~:*:~ Ninety-Three ~:*:~

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Nate was working harder to win me over, but I still wasn't sure how sincere his gestures were. Sure it was all very cute and somewhat thought out, but he still wasn't solving the big issues of loyalty and exposure.

He started out the morning by knocking on my door obscenely early. He didn't stop until Ian rolled out of bed, still sleepy and therefore grumpy, and swung the door open with an accompanying 'FUCK OFF!' to Nate's smiling face.

"Sorry, man. I'm here to see Paxton."

"Don't make this a habit... I'm not a morning person." Ian grumbled as he crawled back into bed.

"But don't you have a class?" Nate asked carefully.


Ian jumped back up like a bomb went off and began racing around the room to change and grab his things.

He began to ramble, "I'm used to Chace waking me up on Tuesdays on his way out to the library... This same shit happened last week after he moved out... My TA is going to scold me if I'm late again... Shit, and we've got that group project today!... Why did I have to get stuck with such whiners?! They'll hate me for being late for sure... I should have set my alarm last night... Paxton, if you're going to stay here then you'll have to wake me up on Tuesdays... Shit, where are all my clean shirts?!..."

Nate and I just watched the tornado that Ian created as he spun about the room frantically. Two minutes of chaos later, Ian was pushing past Nate and bolting down the hallway to get to class.

"What do you want, Nate?" I asked to focus his attention back on me. "It's too early for whatever this is, so make it quick so I can get back to sleep."

He began to dance on the balls of his feet nervously. "I'm not here to beg or bother you... I just wanted to have breakfast with you." He gestured to the takeout bag he was holding. It smelled like bacon chipotle wraps, and I could see two bottles of mixed berry smoothie pocking out from the top of the plastic bag.

"Isn't that for Jedson?"

He shook his head. "Bright is taking him out for breakfast, so I figured I'd take advantage of this opportunity and have breakfast with you."

"So you're telling me that Bright- a guy that was terrified to be seen in public with Jedson because of gossip and bullying- just took Jedson out to eat in front of an entire audience of onlookers, and yet all you can manage to do is secretly bring breakfast to my room?" I asked with an incredulous look on my face.

He got all flustered, just as predicted. "Wait, no... I didn't-... that's not my intention... I wasn't trying to keep it a secret! I just thought it would be nice to eat together, and I didn't really put much thought into the location so-... I can take you out to eat if you prefer! We can put these in your mini fridge. You can snack on them later, okay? Let's go out for breakfast and then-..."

I tossed my bedsheets aside, pushed myself upright, and lazily meandered to where Nate was still standing by the door. I grabbed the bag out of his hand and dug out my wrap and drink, and then I hooked the bag with his meal back onto his fingers.

"I'm too tired to go out. Thanks for the food, though." I said without much conviction, and then I closed the door on his distressed face.


He tried again around noon.

I was on my way to class when we ran into each other. He was with Chace and Jedson, the three of them having just left one of their general education classes.

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