~:*:~ Twenty-Three ~:*:~

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Things were a little weird after the whole porn experiment with Chace. I figured he wasn't going to be comfortable watching it with me in the future, so I just wrote down the username and password on a post-it and stuck it to his desk for his private use. Maybe when he started to feel more comfortable, he'd at least tell me what kind of stuff he watched. I didn't see what the big deal was, but whatever...

If I'm being honest, I'm still a little annoyed that he lied to me about his relationship with Leona. I didn't confront him about it and he didn't admit to going to her that night to take care of things, but I'm pretty sure the truth was just silently acknowledged between us. I didn't get why he needed to hide it from me. It's not like I'd stop being his friend just because he had a girlfriend.

And yes, I do mean girlfriend. I was pretty sure that their relationship was not just some theory that his fan club had concocted. After further deliberation, I figured that there was no way Chace would just use her for sex. He didn't seem like that type of guy, plus he showed no interest in the campus girls I presented to him. They had to be in love.

I wish he'd just talk to me about it! Be honest, and then maybe I'd be less pissed about the whole situation!

"Ian, are you listening to me?"

Not really, as it turns out. I thought I'd mastered the ability to feign interest as girl's ramble, all the while I'm thinking about something else. But it looks like when Chace is on my mind, he's all that I can focus on.

"Sorry, Lexi... I just have a lot on my mind at the moment."

We had been texting each other for the last few days and decided on setting up a coffee date. We went to the coffee cart where we first met. She thought it would be romantic, but I'm pretty sure I had a different reason for suggesting it.

Chace... the shithead was just always on my mind.

I looked up to scan the lineup, expecting to see him there waiting for our order as he messaged me idiotic things. But he wasn't there; it was just me and Lexi this time.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked to be polite, even though it was obvious that she wanted to continue her own rant.

I shook my head and faked a smile, leaning my elbows on the table to show her my restored interest. "It's not important. Let's get back to you..."

She didn't protest. "Right, so as I was saying..."

Blah blah blah blah blah.

When did Lexi become so dull? I was definitely interested in her when we spoke after the soccer game and her texts were certainly worth paying attention to. She's also smoking hot, so that fact alone should be enough to hold my attention when her words didn't.

I was definitely having an off-day, or a couple of days.

Fucking Chace.

I was given a short reprieve to this date when Miriam suddenly made an appearance. She was about to get in line for a coffee when she saw me. She came over to say a brief hello, waking me from my imagination and shutting Lexi up for the time being.

"Hey, Ian! How have you been?"

I gave her a grateful smile for saving me. "Good and you? Are you busy?"

She nodded, "I'm good. Just grabbing a pick-me-up before I head to the library to work on my applications for transfer. Figured I'd get a head start since I've already done the process before, and now I know what they're looking for-... or rather, what they're not looking for." She chuckled at her own misfortune. "I also figured I'd get the basics done before classes start and I'm swamped with homework."

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