~:*:~ One ~:*:~

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In a desperate act to prove her wrong, I find myself standing outside her hotel with a box of condoms in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other.

The stoner cashier at the corner store said this was all I really needed to get the job done, but that didn't stop him from trying to sell me a few more questionable items that were meant to 'really satisfy her lady bits', as he so delicately put it. I opted out of those goodies as confidently as I could, but he still laughed. No matter how hard I tried to seem like a real player, he could easily tell that I was a virgin the moment I asked him for his assistance. Asking what the lube was for was a dead giveaway. I couldn't get out of there fast enough, and I was starting to lose my determination. But his playful and encouraging words really forced me to drag my feet down the block to the front of her hotel.

"Happy humping!" His words echoed in time with my pounding heart.

If I squeezed the lube any harder, the cap would surely pop off to paint the sidewalk with a slick coat of embarrassment.

The day had already proven to be the worst day of my life, so I really needed a win right now. And I figured that the only way to turn things around was to surprise Emma with the one thing that she said I would never give her...


We've been dating for almost a year now. Things were pretty serious between us, even to the point where we decided to apply and attend the same university. But I noticed that she was starting to get antsy over the summer, and then more recently she was trying to create all these intimate moments between us. I didn't get what it was all about until this morning when she was packing her car in preparation for the long drive to school. We had planned to go together and stay in this hotel for a night so we could move into our dorm rooms early the next morning as soon as they opened the residence, but Emma changed her mind about the whole thing and tossed my bags out of her car in a rage. She said that she needed some space and alone time to contemplate our relationship. When I asked her what I did wrong, she shouted loud enough to wake her whole neighbourhood, "YOU CAN'T SEEM TO SUM UP THE COURAGE TO FUCK ME, NATE!" And then she jumped into the driver seat and sped off. I was left slack jawed and embarrassed as her father stepped onto his porch with his arms crossed and a deep frown on his face. I couldn't tell if he was mad that I had disappointed his daughter or if he was mad that I was still standing on his lawn. Either way, it was weird that the man now knew about our sex life... or lack-there-of.

So I bought a ridiculously expensive bus ticket and boarded the monstrosity with all of my bulky belongings that should have been neatly stowed away in my girlfriend's car with me comfortably in the front seat. The bus smelt of pee and it made way too many scheduled stops for my liking, ensuring that I didn't arrive at my destination until late in the evening. After throwing my stuff in a couple of lockers at the bus station, I raced to find the hotel that we planned to stay at.

If that stupid bus ride was good for something, it gave me time to decide that I had to prove Emma wrong.

And that's how I found myself standing on the sidewalk with a confused doorman staring me down, probably contemplating calling the police or an ambulance depending on how crazed or sickly I looked. Still unable to take that next step forward into the hotel lobby, I turned on my heels to catch my breath and avoid further eye contact with the doorman.

Across the street there was a seedy bar with a couple of letters missing from its sign. For the first time that day I didn't hesitate; I ran across the street despite the speeding traffic and threw open the creaky door to the bar.

I needed a drink or two before I went back to that hotel to find Emma.

Most people lose their virginity when they're wasted, don't they? Sounds like a rational choice.


I woke up the next morning with an unpleasant crash having rolled off the bed and slamming my ass onto the hard floor. I yelped more out of anger than pain as I rubbed the tender spot, but then the hangover kicked in and the pain shot through me like venom. I took a couple of minutes to allow the pain to subside and the dizziness to dissipate before attempting to climb back onto the bed. Once I was comfortably sitting and my eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the room, I was able to take in my astonishing surroundings.

At some point last night I must have finally made my way back to the hotel. My clothes were thrown about the room and the bedsheets were in a tangled mess. The box of condoms was empty on the night stand and the bottle off lube was leaking its last drop onto the grey carpet. Dangling off the side of the trash can and surrounding it were a remarkable amount of used condoms filled with semen. I was completely butt naked on the bed with insane morning wood, giving me a good look of just how red and raw my dick was from whatever exploits it had faced.

There was no denying it... I had finally lost my virginity!

But it was a shame that I couldn't remember it.

Before taking care of my raging boner, I began looking for my phone in the insane mess of the hotel room. I found it under one of the condoms. It had residual lube smudged across the screen which grossed me out, but at least I was smart enough in my drunken state to tie off the condom to avoid semen leakage before tossing it. I wiped my phone on the already filthy sheets before searching for Emma's name on my contact list. At first I assumed she was out getting us breakfast, but then I realized all her stuff for school was already out of the room. Why didn't she just wake me up so we could head to campus together?

Just as I was about to hit the call button, I spotted a note left for me on the hotel's stationary pad. I pulled it off the the mini-fridge and read:

'You're really cute when you sleep... didn't want to wake you. Last night was fun! I can't wait to do it again. I'll see you on campus, handsome! PS. Check out time is 11. I took care of the bill, so you can get it next time. <3'

I must have been smiling like an idiot as I read her words, and my dick got even harder despite its already full nature. But I couldn't stop a small nagging thought from digging its way into my brain as I re-read the note for the tenth time...

When did Emma's handwriting get so neat?

When did Emma's handwriting get so neat?

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Hello lovely readers!!

So what do you think of Nate's first chapter?! Do we like him as a character?

Do you think he made the right choice to lose his virginity? Or was this too impulsive?

Anyone else wanna share their embarrassing 'first time' story? Hopefully you weren't AS DRUNK as Nate was... 😵

Any wild guesses on what happened after Nate got drunk? 👀 🥵

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And thanks for the chat 💜

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