~:*:~ Seventy-Eight ~:*:~

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Nate thought it would be fun if the five of us went out to celebrate Jedson's release from the hospital. Of course the idiot took us to a bar, forgetting that Jedson couldn't mix booze with his medication. But Jedson was a good sport about the whole thing and just accepted all the ridiculously fruity mocktails we ordered for him. The sugar intake put him in a similar mood to his usual bubbly, drunken self.

But even though this night was all about Jedson, I couldn't stop focusing my attention on Chace. It was the first time I'd seen him since I kicked him out yesterday. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting from him, but certainly not this carefree, smiling shithead that sat before me. He didn't look at me or speak to me once, but by the way he was carrying on it didn't seem like a great effort for him to purposefully avoid me; it came naturally to him. He wasn't at all bothered by me, focusing all of his speeches and laughter on the others. To an outsider viewing our table, they'd probably think nothing was wrong. But our friends could tell that something was wrong; it was strange for Chace and me to be so far apart both physically and verbally. Nate and Jedson were too confused to address it, but I could tell that Leona was just waiting for me to blow up by the way she kept her eyes on me.

I hated the fact that Chace just seemed so fine with everything while I've been slowly dying inside. Didn't he care about our friendship at all? Why wasn't he trying to make it up to me like he'd done before? If he'd only apologize-

No. Fuck that. We were well beyond simple apologies. He'd have to make it up to me somehow if he wanted to repair our friendship. He can't just go around stealing all of my girls and get away with it because I caved in. I wouldn't just let him back into our room without some guarantee that he'd never betray me again. I don't want to see Chace hugging my ex-girlfriends, or pulling my current dates into a private room to straddle and grind, or even allow my fuck buddies to know his fucking name! I don't want Chace to have anything to do with them; if Chace wants to be my friend, he'll have to prove to me that his attentions are mine and mine alone.

But that's never going to happen. I don't own Chace. He's his own man, not bound to any deep connection with me. We only met two weeks ago, for fucks sake! He owes me nothing; therefore he can have sex with any person who is willing.

And since my girls are all too willing, he has to move out.

I had been sitting quietly in our booth for the past hour chugging back far too many beers. Chace's smiling face and laughter was really getting to me now, so without really thinking it through I slammed down my glass to interrupt their merriment.

"Did you find a room yet?!" I asked in a nasty tone.

Everyone fell silent. Chace still wouldn't look at me, but his toothy smile shrunk back to a simple smirk. He clearly didn't want to get into this right now, but I was too drunk to see reason. Their merriment would just have to wait!

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I said as I smashed my fist against the table.

Nate grabbed both his and Jedson's drinks before the strong vibration could knock them over. "Dude, what the hell?!" Nate said angrily.

I repeated my question once Chace finally dared to look my way. "Did you find a room yet?!"

He chuckled. "Does it matter? I'm already out of your way, so why should you care if I spend the rest of the semester sleeping on Leona's floor or in a new dorm room?"

"Wait, what?! Why did you move out, Chace?" Jedson asked.

"What the fuck is going on between you two?" Nate added.

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