~:*:~ Eighty-One ~:*:~

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Days have passed without incident. No one is pointing at me or whispering behind my back. No one is throwing glitter paint bombs or purposefully spilling drinks on me. I haven't even seen any follow-up posts about my relationship with Jedson, and the comments and shares on the old posts have nearly stopped. It seems everyone has decided to believe Jedson's lie about a frosh week prank, or they just don't care about the truth so long as Jedson stays away from me.

Well, they all got what they wanted! And according to Jedson, so did I...

But he was wrong.

I admit that at first I wanted him to leave me alone, but now I don't really know what to do without him. I've become accustomed to his presence, so his disappearance left a huge black hole in his wake to suck out all the energy and joy around me. I was beyond miserable! He was basically my only friend. Before him I was content with being alone. But now that he's gone, the once comforting solitude feels utterly lonely.

He can't just turn my world upside down and then slink away!

I wanted my friend back... or maybe I wanted to be more? I don't know! I hadn't thought that far ahead. We just need to start talking again. And since he's purposefully avoiding my calls and run-ins, I figured the least I could do is connect with him the same way he did with me at the beginning.

So now I'm standing in front of his door with a bag of take-out breakfast and a coffee. Because I was such a shitty friend before, I never asked how he took his coffee or looked at what he was eating while I ate the food he brought me. So I asked every employee at the coffee cart if they served Jedson enough times to know his coffee order by heart, and luckily a few of the girls who claimed to be his fans knew exactly how he liked it. Then I did the same thing at the bagel place until one guy told me which two bagels and spreads he seemed to order the most; my French onion bagel with regular cream cheese and Jedson's everything bagel with hazelnut spread. I hated that these people knew more about Jedson than I did, but that's what I intended to fix. Maybe if Jedson sees that I'm paying attention to the little things now, he'll forgive me.

Out of habit I looked up and down the hallway for my former bullies, or just anyone with a camera phone who intended to record my desperation.

Paxton was standing at the end of the hallway by the stairwell. He was leaning against the wall and watching me carefully, but he didn't seem to have any malicious intent. He smiled at me and then began to saunter forward, holding up two coffees and a takeout container as well.

"It seems we both had the same idea." He said as he stopped in front of Jedson's door.

I gave him a skeptical look. "I didn't think you were that close to Jedson."

"I'm not, but it would be rude of me to stop by without bringing him breakfast too."


Paxton chuckled lightly at my confused expression before explaining, "Nate has been staying over at Jedson's ever since he got discharged. With both his hands out of commission, Nate helps Jedson change, eat, brush his teeth-"

"And shower?!" I asked eagerly before blushing and looking away in embarrassment.

He laughed again. "I suppose that too, but I'd imagine they'd keep their boxers on. They both act all macho and carefree, but deep down they're both very self-conscious. I think staring at each other's willies would be a deal breaker for their friendship!"

I knew he was just trying to cheer me up, but I couldn't make myself laugh at his joke.

He moved to take a peek into my takeout bag. "So what kind of food does Jedson like? I've just been ordering him all of Nate's favourites, and I bring a bunch of sugar and cream packets so he can fix up his coffee to his taste."

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