~:*:~ Thirty ~:*:~

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Nate kissed me again... and I let him.

It was the first time we'd been so intimate since the night in the hotel room. And yet, I'm pretty sure he thought it was all a dream.

Leona called me last night to pick him up from the bar. When I got there he was already blackout drunk, so I led him out and helped him home. I hoped that walking it off in the cool night air would sober him up enough to realize that I wasn't a hallucination. He kept calling me mystery girl as we stumbled back to Massey. And when we got to our room, he kissed me eagerly and pulled me close to grind against me. I couldn't help myself; I ended up opening my mouth to deepen the kiss and I let my hands explore his body again.

But as he was squeezing my ass, I realized that this was all wrong. He didn't actually see me; his roommate, Paxton. He only saw a reflection of the girl he thought he fucked in that hotel room. Had I known that night that he was that drunk, I never would have let him take me to bed. I knew better this time. When Nate drinks this much, he wasn't going to remember enough in the morning to make it worthwhile. I wanted our second night together to be something that he'd remember forever. I needed him to be sober and aware of his decision to make love to me...

I pushed him away with a heavy heart. He fell back onto his bed and promptly fell asleep.

I spent the next thirty minutes or so taking off his shoes, stripping him of his more binding clothes, cleaning off the dirt and sweat from his limbs with a wet cloth, and then repositioning his body so his head was on the pillow and I could pull the covers up over his body. It took a lot of willpower not to take advantage of the situation!

It wasn't until noon the next day that Nate finally awoke from his slumber.

"There's water and an aspirin on your bedside table." I informed him as I continued to watch an episode of Schitt's Creek on my laptop. Patrick was just about to sing "You're Simply the Best" by Tina Turner to David. I absolutely loved this part, and seeing it again always made me excited for their later uses of this song: the episode where David lip syncs it to Patrick as an apology, and the finale episode where the choir sings it as David walks down the aisle to marry Patrick. It made me wish that one day Nate and I would have a song...

One step at a time, Paxton.

"Thanks for getting me home, Paxton. I don't know how you did it, but clearly you're a miracle worker. I've been known to be a handful when I'm drunk." He pressed his hand against his forehead to relieve some of the pressure from his hangover. "Fuck, I don't remember a thing..."

Oh joy! The one sentence that every person wants to hear after they've been passionately kissed by their crush...

"What part don't you remember?" I asked cautiously.

"Everything after I took my eighth shot, I guess... you weren't even at the bar yet! Leona had only just called you-... Oh! But I do remember waking up in bed at around 2am."

So I guess that settles it. He doesn't remember walking home with me, calling me mystery girl, sniffing my hair and touching my face, or even the magical moment when he kissed me again. I was nothing in the grand scheme of the night.

He pushed himself up in bed to lie back comfortably against the headboard. He was all excited as he confided, "But guess what?! My plan worked a little! I remembered some of what happened that night I went to the hotel with the girl!"

Oh shit.

I pressed pause on my show and turned to face him.

How much did he remember?! I suppose it was a good sign that he still said girl, and he wasn't beating the shit out of me for hiding the truth. So what did he know?

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