~:*:~ Thirty-Eight ~:*:~

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I didn't participate in any of the events on the Frosh Sports day, but I couldn't stop myself from being a spectator in all the ones that Jedson signed up for. I stayed in the shadows or at the back of the bleachers so no one would notice me. He played three matches of tennis and won them all to become the champion, he participated in the swim meet and came in second, followed by another second place win in track and field as he was beat out by Leona, and lastly he joined the big soccer tournament to help Massey win the whole kit-and-caboodle. He was quite the impressive specimen.

I wanted to congratulate him on all his success, but it would be too public of me to go up to him after the final soccer game had ended. It was like the entire freshman class of all eight residences had stuck around to witness this final matchup between Massey and Stoneline. I didn't need that much of an audience while I congratulated him, so I made up my mind to secretly visit his room again tonight for dance lessons and tell him then.

I was walking up the stairs in Massey to head to my room for some peace and quiet. The residence was practically abandoned as everyone remained by the soccer field to celebrate. So when I passed by a handful of tittering girls on the stairway, I became a little suspicious. It was strange enough finding them hanging out in the male wing of the dorms with no guys in sight, but it was even more unnerving when they all pointedly gave me death glares and scoffed under their breath.

This can't be good...

I got to my floor and walked as calmly as possible to my door. Despite my suspicions, I was still shocked when I saw all the damage that those girls had done.

My entire door was covered from top to bottom with over a hundred pictures of Jedson and me. It seems we weren't as clever as we thought, and my actions today were anything but stealth. There were pictures of us at the diner, at rehearsal, at the library, in the cafeteria, at the tennis court, by the swimming pool, around the track course, and even in the bleachers at the soccer match. The pictures that showed both of us were expertly shot to show me staring and smiling at Jedson, while he either looked away or seemed to not even notice my presence. The rest were just close ups of my face to show me looking all moon-eyed and obsessed. The biggest picture of them all was an enlargement of me knocking on Jedson's door last night. Below that in big, red letters, someone wrote STALKER on my whiteboard.

I looked up and down the hallway to see if the girls were hiding somewhere to witness my reaction to this torment, or if anyone else was coming back from the game to stumble upon it. At the moment it seemed like I was alone, but that wouldn't last long.

I used the sleeve of my sweater to erase the insulting word, but it turns out that they used a permanent marker to make my shame everlasting. I then tried to rip off the pictures, hoping that the bullies just used tape or sticky tack, but to my dismay they used superglue.

As I contemplated my next move, my phone let lose a loud ping notification to alert me of their final cruel act. I clicked on the notification bubble to find an entire album posted with the most damaging photos from this collection. The tagline read:

The soon-to-be Campus Queen has taken up STALKING our handsome King on a daily and NIGHTLY base! Does she have no shame?! Leave Jedson alone, SLUT! We're watching you...

I began to cry, and it wasn't that delicate shit you see on TV. It was a real, snot dripping from my nose and drool shooting out of my mouth, UGLY CRY. I ran my fingertips aggressively along my door as a wailed pathetically, hoping that my nails would snag the edges of the prints to at least shred them slightly. But the girls did an excellent job executing this crafty collage, probably using an entire crate full of glue to make it impossible for me. I then tried to yank the whiteboard off of my door, but it was screwed into the wood by expert tradesmen to avoid school theft, I suppose. I wondered what the residency board would have to say about vandalism...

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