~:*:~ Fifty ~:*:~

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The Freshie Contest was a great success so far, primarily because no one taunted me and I hadn't done anything embarrassing yet. I managed to walk across the stage without tripping, I danced with Leona without stepping on her toes once, and I answered the host's questions without stuttering. Overall, people were surprisingly polite when they clapped for me or kept silent when I spoke; I guess those bullies decided not to show up to boo me or hurl insults.

Jedson was quite spectacular throughout the contest. Not only was he the best looking contestant, but his charisma was oozing out of his pores as he cheerfully answered every question and posed like a pageant expert. Last time I checked, he was already way ahead in the online voting. And based on the amount of fans he had cheering for him today, the judges would be foolish to crown anyone else King.

All that was left was the talent portion of the contest. I had to admit that I was excited to see what surprise talent Jedson had up his sleeve, but it would have to wait until after my performance.

Jedson promised that he'd take care of the other instruments and players for me, but as I stood in the wings I noticed nothing but the piano on stage. I grew anxious, knowing that the song would sound terrible if it was just a piano. Jedson didn't keep his promise, so I had no choice but to embarrass myself with a child's performance of 'Heart and Soul'.


It's not like I had any chance of winning anyways, nor did I want to.

I was a bundle of nerves as I walked out onto the dark stage. A spotlight faded in on the piano as I took my seat and the host announced my name. People politely clapped, and then waited. I swear I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

I placed my fingers on the keys and began, singing terribly into the microphone as people began to giggle at my misfortune.

Heart and soul, I fell in love with you,

Lost control, the way a fool would do,


Because you held me tight,

And stole a kiss in the night.

The melodic sound of an acoustic guitar came tumbling out of the darkness, playing the opening chords of the Train song that I had rehearsed. And then a voice broke out of the shadows, singing:

Play that song

The one that makes me go all night long

The one that makes me think of you

That's all you gotta do

I didn't need a spotlight to identify the singer; I'd recognize that voice anywhere.


He stepped forward as a second spotlight flashed on to illuminate him. The crowd went wild for his surprise appearance. I adjusted my playing of 'Heart and Soul' to match his playing of 'Play that Song'. He sang into his headset as he slowly sauntered towards me:

Hey mister DJ when you gonna spin it

My baby's favourite record

He been waiting for a minute

He invited all his friends

And I'm buying all the rounds

And they're all dolled up

DJ please don't let me down

Wait-... did Jedson change the lyrics? Wasn't this song about a female lover?!

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