~:*:~ Twenty-Seven ~:*:~

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For the second night in a row, we decided to get drunk at the bar off campus.

Ian joined us this time, but he had to get stamped at the door as an underage guest because Chace seemed to have misplaced Ian's fake I.D. in his drunken state yesterday. Ian was beyond pissed, but he cooled down a little when Leona let him secretly drink from her cup whenever the bartender wasn't looking. And it seemed like his prayers had really been answered when Lexi showed up out of the blue. She joined our table with a drink of her own, but she never took a sip as she encouraged Ian to just chug the whole thing before ordering another. Chace said nothing as he just drank his beer, looking moodier than ever.

Jedson was getting completely hammered. I asked him if it had to do with those photos and the rumours circulating about him and Bright, but he just brushed it off and downed another drink. I took that as a yes, but I didn't pry further. He'd tell us when he's ready.

And it's not like I was one to judge his secrecy when I was still holding on to a major secret regarding my love life. I was running out of ideas on how to find my mystery girl. She wasn't a Massey girl and I hadn't bumped into her yet in any of the shared spaces on campus, like the cafeteria, student center, library, coffee shops, or mini-marts. Walking through the other residencies didn't work either. I figured my next step was to recreate the circumstances of the night in hopes of triggering something.

"Hey Nate, you might want to slow down..." Leona warned as I took three shots of straight vodka in a row.

I shook my head with determination. "I can't stop! Last night I didn't take it far enough, so I've got to go hard tonight."

"What are you talking about?"

"I need to get blackout drunk." I stated as I took my fourth shot.

His brows furrowed as she shot back, "Why do you need to get that drunk?!"

"If I can't remember that night when I'm sober, then perhaps I'll need to get plastered to bring it back!"

Leona was beyond annoyed by the upcoming battle she would no doubt face as the most sober of the group. "Oh, hell no! I refuse to be your babysitter, Nate! Taking care of you guys when you're tipsy is one thing, but I can't chase you around campus when you completely lose it!" She looked around our table at the others, all in their own world as they drank for their own reasons. It was clear that she'd be on her own. She held out her hand and demanded my phone. I was already feeling the effects of the shots, so I gave it to her without thinking. "I'm calling Emma for backup..." She declared.

"NO!" I cried out a little too loudly. The whole point of me getting black out drunk again was to see if my memories from the night at the hotel would come back. I couldn't have Emma around to muddy it all up. Plus I felt guilty as fuck for doing this. "Not Emma... please don't call her."

Leona searched through my phone, clicked the dial button, and then put the phone to her ear. I began to whine in protest. She held up a finger to shut me up.

"Hello, Paxton?" She said cheerily into my phone. "This is Leona... yeah, Nate's friend... Uh huh... I'm here with him now. Listen, I sort of have a favour to ask you... we're at The Fox and The Fiddle, and it looks like I'm the only one with any intention of remaining sober... no, don't worry... uh huh... yeah, would you mind coming? I just can't handle everyone on my own, and Nate seems to have this fucked up plan of getting blackout drunk... no, he won't let me call her... uh huh... I figured you were the safest bet since you share a room... great! I'll see you soon. Bye."

She hung up and pocketed my phone for safe keeping.

"You have my permission to do whatever the fuck you want. You're Paxton's problem now." She made her point by turning to Chace to pull away his beer. He gave her a dirty look, but he didn't fight her on it. Even though both Chace and Leona strictly stuck to beer with low alcohol content, they had to make sure that they paced themselves so they'd be able to help Jedson back to his room later. And depending on Ian's ability to rope Lexi in for another round in the sack, they might be stuck with his drunken ass too if she refused.

I ordered another four more shots and quickly gulped them down before settling in against the booth cushion. I'm not sure how much time had passed before I blacked out.


The familiar sensation of my mystery girl's soft, warm skin came rushing back. We were both still fully clothed, so I assumed I was seeing the moments before we entered our hotel room. We staggered out of the bar hand-in-hand, and when I tripped over my laces she wrapped her arm around my waist to prop me up. I draped an arm over her shoulder, and then began to caress her smooth cheek with my rough hand. Her hair smelled like coconuts as it shimmered in the moonlight. Her lips were delicate and rosy, waiting to be kissed.

I leaned forward to do exactly that, but she pushed me away gently and whispered, "Not here, Nate. Not now. Let's just get you to bed..."

I felt myself smiling as I tried to focus on her whole face, but my vision was going in and out when I tried to focus on more than one thing; the bigger picture was still lost to me. So I kept my attention on her lips, primarily because they were so enticing, but also because it helped to take in what she was saying since my ears were ringing.

"Nate... I'm going to take you upstairs now, alright?"

We must have crossed the street successfully and made it safely into the hotel lobby, though the journey seemed illogically long... but I just blamed it on my inebriation. What felt like hours could have easily been five minutes, and vice versa.

She basically had to drag me up the stairs. I guess the elevator had stopped working that night. When we were at our hotel room door, she put in her key and pushed me inside.

And then I kissed her. I couldn't help myself, not after staring at those beautiful lips for so long. She tasted like mint; she must have popped a Tic Tac or something after she finished her drinks at the bar. It mixed deliciously well with the vodka on my breath. I forced her mouth open further to insert my tongue, eager to taste more. She seemed a little reluctant at first, but then her hands began to travel the length of my body. I pulled her closer to squeeze her ass. She groaned in pleasure.

And then she broke free and pushed me down onto the bed. This was probably the part where we would make love for the first time, followed by a handful of romps more. I was excited to have this memory back...

But of course with my bad luck, that's when I lost my window to the past. Everything went black once again.


I woke up in my dorm room a couple hours later. The alarm clock on my bedside table flashed 2am. I looked over to Paxton's bed to find him sleeping soundly under the covers. I'm not sure how or when he got me back to our room, but I knew I probably owed him big time for this.

Getting blackout drunk worked well, but it wasn't enough. I still didn't see the identity of my mystery girl, nor did I get to relive anything past that first make-out moment. I needed to find another way.

If that blip of a memory proved anything, it was that I wanted her...

I wanted her so fucking bad.

I wanted her so fucking bad

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Hello lovelies!!!!

So Nate seems to be resorting to desperate measures to get his memory back!

What do you think of this experience? Was it actually a memory? Or was it a dream that he's mistaken for a memory? Or perhaps it was something else entirely?

What do you think happened after Paxton picked Nate up from the bar?

What do you think Nate will do next to get a better picture of the past?

Thanks for the chat!
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