~:*:~ Ninety-Seven ~:*:~

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It wasn't long before Chace and I were back to our usual selves as friends. We went to class together, played soccer, ate almost every meal side by side, and hung out with our friend group without any of the former awkwardness or resentment. I did everything in my power to give Chace exactly what he wanted, and I admit that he was right; our relationship was stronger because of it.

But inwardly I was growing impatient. It took so much restraint to keep myself from kissing him again. All I could settle for was sly touches and flirty words as a reminder to him that I was still interested in taking that next step with him. He never pulled away... in fact, his acceptance of my advances made me believe that he was getting closer to accepting the inevitable.

I just needed to wait for the right moment to properly ask him out again. Hopefully this time he'll say yes!

My laundry had been piling up recently. I didn't want to approach Chace smelling like body odor and dirt, so I used my break between classes to head down to the communal laundry room to wash a load. I figured I could formulate a romantic plan to ask him out while waiting for my clothes. Maybe I should get him a gift, or I could take him somewhere special to surprise him. Should I make a public declaration like Jedson did on stage or Nate did with the flower arrangement? No... I should do it privately since he's still not out of the closet. He'll probably want to go out on a few dates before making our relationship public.

Of course Chace and I were thinking on the same wavelength; it's like our bodies had become magnetic, pulling us to each other without much effort or intention. So I wasn't in the least bit surprised when I walked into the laundry room to find Chace already in there, taking his freshly clean clothes out of the dryer.

I smiled brightly when I caught his eye. "Stalking is a punishable offense, shithead."

He laughed boisterously. "I was here first... you're the stalker, Ian."

"Hmmm, I don't think so. See, you must have known that I had no clean clothes left. You studied my habits and schedule when we lived together- don't deny it- so you must have known that this would be the best time for me to do laundry. You came down here first and even pretended to do a load, and I say pretend because I know that your laundry day is every Monday and today is Wednesday, all so you can act like this was a coincidence." I explain in a mock serious tone, like I'm fucking Sherlock Holmes or something.

"You seem to know my schedule pretty well for someone who claims to not be a stalker..." He points out as he places a folded pair of jeans in his basket.

"I'm not a stalker... I'm just crushing hard." I admit outright, hoping to get a rise out of him.

But instead of blushing in embarrassment, he just shoots right back like the competitor he is, "Well, that makes two of us."

Dammit, he got me. I could definitely feel my cheeks turning red as he smiled flirtatiously.

I try to busy myself as I open the lid to the washing machine farthest from him, and then proceed to dump the contents of my basket in.

"Whoa, hold up! Don't you separate your clothes into two loads?!" Chace asks with genuine concern as he moves to my side.


He pulls out my red polo shirt and a white sock, holding them up to my face as he states, "Unless you want to be wearing a lot of pink for the foreseeable future, then I suggest you pay up and use two machines."

"I look fucking hot in pink." I say without expecting a retort.

"It's a flattering colour on you, but I think it will lose its charm and effect on me if that's the only colour you ever wear." Once again he's trying to make me blush with his blatant compliments.

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