~:*:~ Thirty-Four ~:*:~

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I was hanging out at the karaoke event with Nate and his friends despite my displeasure for the ridiculous activity. They decided to take it easy on the drinking after last night's painful escapade, and because they wanted to be in better shape for the upcoming sports event. So I guess on a dry night, karaoke was an entertaining alternative because most people sang as if they were drunk.

Nate had serenaded everyone with a rousing rendition of Bon Jovi's 'Living on a Prayer'. Despite his lack of pitch, he had one of the few decent performances of the night given his energy and the songs undeniable ability to get an entire crowd to sing along. Any flaw in his voice was covered by the volume of his fans, both the cheering and back-up singer kinds.

Jedson was next on the list, so Nate stole his friend's newly open seat by my side. As Jedson began singing The Beatles' 'Hey Jude'- surprisingly well, I might add- Nate tried for the hundredth time to convince me to join the others for the group song they signed up for, which was coming up fairly soon.

"Come on, Paxton! It will be fun, I promise! If you're too shy to sing, you can at least sway in the background." He held onto my upper arm to shake me as he begged.

"It's enough that I'm here to watch you all make fools of yourselves. I refuse to participate." I replied with a teasing smile as he feigned feeling insulted.

"People love our performances! Just look at how Jedson has them eating out of his hands!"

"That's because he can actually sing."

"That's not the point to karaoke... it's about letting go and having fun!" He shook my arm again as he looked at me with pleading, puppy dog eyes. "Paxton... pleeeaaasssseeeeee!"

Emma was like her own stampede of rage as she came up to our table. She yelled to make sure Nate heard her over Jedson's song, not caring who witnessed the drama to come. "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS PERSON THAT YOU'RE HIDING FROM ME?! HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME!"

"Whoa, Emma! Calm down!" Nate bolted upright and mimicked how he was holding me only seconds before, only this time he was hoping to lead Emma to a more private, less noisy place to hash this out.

She yanked her arm away and continued to yell, jabbing her fingers aggressively into his chest. "WHO IS THIS GIRL THAT YOUR HIDING AWAY?! WHY IS SHE TRYING TO GET INTO MY BOYFRIEND'S PANTS?! IS IT HER?!" Emma shifted her pointer finger to Leona who was sitting beside Chace.

Leona wasn't about to take Emma's accusation without a jab back. "Point your boney, un-manicured claw somewhere else, darling! Nate is just a friend."

Emma was livid, but she moved on to the next girl at our table to keep her focus on discovering the truth. "WHAT ABOUT HER? I'VE HEARD SOME PRETTY NASTY THINGS ABOUT THIS ONE..."

Lexi smiled smugly as she stated, "Probably all true things, but none of them had anything to do with Nate."

Ian chuckled and pulled his girl close for a raunchy kiss.

"Emma, who told you that I'd been cheating on you?!" Nate pulled her focus back to him.

She refrained from yelling further as Jedson's song came to an end, but her tone was still loud enough for neighbouring tables to hear. "A bunch of people in Massey are talking about how you're attached to someone else these days! Apparently you can't stop talking about them and they couldn't keep their eyes off you, so the two of you must be in love, right?!" She waved behind her at a group of girls that followed her over to our table, presumably to act as her backup if need be. "And then my roommate said she overheard part of your drunken rant last night in the bar! You said something about keeping me away from someone... and then you said something about it being forbidden and a first... what does all that mean, Nate?!"

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