~:*:~ Eighty ~:*:~

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Layne did everything in her power to avoid seeing me for the next few days, and I retaliated by making a point to avoid Jesse so she'd understand that I wasn't with him. Maybe if she knew that I wanted to see her more than him, she'd finally give me a chance to apologize and explain. And probably seeing Jesse just as sad as she was would potentially put her in a better mood.

I know hurting Jesse by avoiding him was mean of me. But honestly, I didn't really want to talk to him anyways after what happened between the three of us. If he can be selfish enough to break Layne and me up for his own gain, then I can be selfish enough to push him aside so I can work things out with her! We wouldn't get back together, that's for sure... but I at least wanted her to know that I still loved her despite this whole mess. Once she finally forgives me, then I'll start working out my true feelings for Jesse.

I assumed that things were particularly awkward and tense in Layne and Jesse's shared room. How can the poor girl be expected to live with the guy who just fucked her boyfriend?! I knew what she was like when she was really mad... she was probably stomping around that room and slamming doors, telling Jesse how much she hated his presence in the most passive aggressive way possible. If he tried to apologize or explain, she would block out his words with music or leave the room. And if he dared to do something nice for her like buy dinner or clean up the room, she'd respond by throwing out the food and by making an even bigger mess. There was no reasoning with her until she was ready, so hopefully Jesse picked up on this fast and simply got out of her way.

As the sun shined brightly overhead the Massey courtyard around noon, I stopped in my tracks when I spotted Layne sitting by herself on a bench beneath a tree. She noticed me too, but surprisingly she decided to remain in place instead of bolt as I'd become accustomed to. I abandoned all thoughts of heading to the cafeteria for lunch as I cautiously made my way towards her. She didn't protest, and even slid over slightly to make room for me. I sat down on the creaky wood and patiently waited for her to give me the greenlight to start talking.

"So you're fucking our therapist, huh? That's a bit cliché of you, don't you think?" When she turned her face to offer an awkward smile, I couldn't help but chuckle at her attempted humour. Leave it to Layne to break the ice with a joke.

"I suppose given his sexual preferences, it really could have been either one of us to cheat first." I point out.

She nodded thoughtfully before admitting, "I just thought it would be me..."

We both burst out laughing, unable to stay truly mad after everything we'd been through over the years.

Once we finally calmed down, I said the words that had been weighing on me long before Jesse and I actually got caught. In all honesty, I should have apologized for my growing feelings for Jesse the moment I found myself strangely drawn to him, even if I didn't understand what was happening to me at the time. So now was my chance to make it right. "I'm sorry for the way things went down, Layne. At first I hated him because I was scared that he'd take you away from me, but when he started flirting with me... well, I didn't stop him because I didn't hate it. I should have told you that the way he touched me when we were dirty dancing made my heart race, and that I couldn't take my eyes off him when we did our session on sexual positions. I should have also told you that he gave me gay porn and I got turned on by it, specifically because I was imagining what it would be like doing these things with him! And when you suggested he watch us fuck and give direction, I freaked out because I knew I'd just stare right back at him the whole time with a strange sense of longing. So I guess with that said, it's no surprise that I admit I was actually excited when he insisted on joining us! So I should have told you why I actually agreed to the three-way, and then I should have explained properly why I later stopped it from going further!"

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