~:*:~ Fourteen ~:*:~

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We managed to stumble upon a group of guys playing a scrimmage match on the soccer field behind Massey Residence. Nate, Ian and I were immediately invited to join in the fun. Jedson came by a while later with Leona in tow after they finished with some Freshie rehearsal. We offered a place on our team for Leona as well, but she turned us down after explaining how badly her feet hurt from her dance partner stepping all over them. She opted to join our growing cheering section for a little amusement.

That's when I noticed that girl from the coffee cart day; the one that sat in my seat and flirted with Ian as I waited in line to order. She was sitting amongst the throngs of girls that were drooling over the players as we ran back and forth down the field, kicking the ball and sweating buckets as we deked out our opponents.

I didn't bother to remember her name. I thought she'd have lost interest after he continued to message me instead of talking to her. As far as I knew, Ian never contacted her afterwards and they didn't run into each other. Perhaps her presence was just a coincidence.

I did my best to ignore her presence, but it became increasingly difficult as the girl screamed Ian's name over and over at the top of her lungs. Leona seemed to notice my discomfort, so she opted to make some noise of her own; she was louder and more persistent as she cheered on Ian comically. She made the girl suspect that she too was one of Ian's admirers, if not his girlfriend! This shut the girl up completely. I was grateful that Leona always found a way to save the day.

The game went on another hour or so. I was lost in the thrill of it all as Ian and I ended up making a perfect pairing against our opponents. It's like we were completely in tune with one another! We passed the ball without having to look up, like we could just sense where the other was on the field. We blocked any chargers so the other could race by with ease. And we even invented some brilliant plays on the fly to score about eleven goals between us. It all worked out splendidly since we felt no need to show off or one-up each other. A goal by one of us was a win for both of us.

When the game was over, Jedson and Nate promptly beat the both of us up in a playful fashion. They were on the opposing team and felt cheated by how well Ian and I got on, but it was all in good fun. The four of us laughed jovially as we made our way towards Leona in the stands.

"Nicely done, gents! I'm sure the four of you will make the school team after tryouts."

"Ian and Chace will have no problem, that's for sure!" Nate scoffed as he pushed Ian aside with a smirk.

"You and Jedson were the best on your side today, so you have nothing to worry about." Leona reassured him.

"Ian! Ian, over here!"

The five of us looked up to see who was interrupting.

Of course...

The coffee cart girl was still sitting along the bleachers. She waved frantically for Ian to come join her. I felt a little betrayed when he actually abandoned us and made his way to her with a triumphant grin.

When Jedson and Nate went off to hit the showers, Leona and I sat back down on the bleachers and watched as Ian continuously flirted with this persistent beauty.

"Has Ian found himself a girlfriend already?"

"Not that I know of..."

"When did they meet?"

"Move-in day at the coffee shop. I thought I'd done enough to make her lose interest, but apparently not."

She gave me a knowing smile. "You really like him, don't you? Enough to chase away your competition, it seems..."

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