~:*:~ Eighty-Four ~:*:~

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"Shit, this is impossible!"

Ever try taking a shower with both your wrists in casts? Not only are my hands plastered in place, but the bags I have to wear to keep the casts dry are seriously confining the small bits of my fingers that aren't covered in plaster. I'm basically just swirling the soapy plastic on top of my head awkwardly, unable to dig deep into my hair and massage the scalp for a proper clean.

Normally I have Nate around to help, but I gave him the night off so he could enjoy his weekend. I hadn't planned on showering tonight; it's not like one night of stink would kill me. But then I stupidly spilled my soda all over me as I was trying to open it. It was super sticky and uncomfortable, so I gave in and ran to a bathroom stall to figure this out on my own. I honestly didn't think it would be this difficult!

"Why didn't you call someone for help?"

I jumped at the unexpected intrusion echoing in the bathroom from the other side of the shower stall door.

"You shouldn't be doing this alone." The voice came again.

It was Bright.

I could have just ignored him until he got the hint to walk away, but I just couldn't help myself. I might have publically declared my disentanglement from him, but it's not like I can just turn of my feelings with a flick of a switch! I still loved him no matter what lies I told in that post. I pushed him away because that's what I thought he wanted, but he's been bringing me food and slipping 'get well soon' notes under my door for the past few days. And now that he's seeking me out instead of the other way around, perhaps...

"Why isn't Nate helping you?" He asked.

"I gave him the night off."

"So then why didn't you call Chace or Ian?"

I shook my head despite the fact that he couldn't see me through the door. "They've got their own shit going on. I didn't want to bother them."

"What about-"

"Leona's a girl. Even if I wear my boxers like I do when Nate helps, it would still be weird to have her wash my hair and body. I can't ask her to do something like that."

"I wasn't going to say Leona's name, but I'm pretty sure she'd help you out if you asked and it wouldn't be as awkward as you think. She's not like the other girls to swoon every time she touches a muscular man."

I blushed at the implied compliment. I was glad Bright had at least noticed how hot I was during my courtship of him.

"Soooo... who were you going to suggest if not Leona?" I asked sheepishly, mentally praying that he'd respond in a way that still gave me hope.

"You should have called me, you blockhead." The hitch in his voice told me that he was smiling too.

And there it was... hope.

But why was he doing this to me?! I gave him an easy out. No blame for the freezer incident, a lie about my motives for pursuing him, and an order to all the gossiping readers to stop bullying him. I even kept my distance so the stories about us could die down sooner and no new speculations could be made. So why was he drawing himself back into potential drama by following me into the bathroom?!

He held my fresh boxers over the door and instructed, "Put these on so I can help you out."

"Bright, you don't have to-"

"Just put them on and open the door, Jedson. Please..."

I did as I was told, but it took a long time to get my legs through the holes and pull them up on my own with the casts and stupid baggies. Normally Nate just closes his eyes and pulls them up for me. I always laugh at him and he punches my shoulder while declaring how disgusting it would be to look at his friend's limp dick. But I can't make a joke about it with Bright; I can't ask the guy I'm crushing on to help me with my underwear! That's not how I pictured revealing myself to him for the first time.

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