~:*:~ Sixty-Nine ~:*:~

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I gave in.

I agreed to let Jesse participate.


I'm such an idiot.

After this morning's embarrassing sexual failure, followed by the greater humiliation of Layne and Jesse agreeing to his future involvement in the sack, I spent the rest of the day stewing in my room alone. I went back and forth on the matter, weighing the pros and cons of having a three-way to fix my relationship with Layne.

And with Jesse, of all people!

After a couple hours of spiraling, I began to completely take Layne out of my mind all together. I no longer thought of how this would fix our relationship or how she would enjoy fucking another man. Suddenly all I could think about was him.

Him and me... me and him...

I'm not gay, so how could I possibly be entertaining this idea?! Why would I ever have sex with Jesse? How would we even go about doing it?!

Would Jesse want to kiss me? Should I kiss him first so he knows it's okay, or do I want us to keep our lips from ever touching? And what about oral... would he go down on me, or should I go down on him?! Do I even want him anywhere near my dick?! And what happens when we're supposed to start... well, you know! Would he want me to stick my dick in him? Or would he expect to be the top since he's experienced with guys? Was I okay with being a bottom? How much was this going to hurt? But more importantly, was the pleasure even worth the pain? Could I actually get off by having sex with a guy? Perhaps I can since it's Jesse...


I had actually talked myself into giving it a try.

So that's how the three of us ended up back in Layne and Jesse's shared room late that same night. I told them that if we were going to try it, it had to be now before I had any more time to think it over. But I still retained the right to stop at any point! All I promised was that I would try, not that I would follow through completely.

Jesse wasted no time pushing his and Layne's beds together so we'd have a greater surface area to play on. The three of us awkwardly sat side by side at the edge of the mattresses. Layne took her place between Jesse and me, sensing that she needed to keep us apart as much as possible so I wouldn't scare off. Clearly she assumed that having two men in the three-way meant that we'd both want to focus our attention on her. But based on the fact that Jesse had barely taken his eyes off me ever since I entered the room, I had a feeling she was about to be sorely disappointed. Jesse wanted me... that much was clear. But was I going to be brave enough to admit that I wanted him?

Jesse broke the tension by instructing us to start out as if it were just the two of us. "Tanner, you should kiss Layne. Show me how you turn her on."

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as Layne turned her face towards mine. We both leaned in and closed our eyes. The kiss was fairly clumsy as we couldn't get in sync with each other. We barely parted our lips or did much more than a few quick pecks before pulling apart.

"Keep going until it feels comfortable. Try using your tongue." Jesse whispered in the darkness.

I placed my hand on the back of Layne's neck to pull her back in, accidentally crashing our noses together as we both misread each other's head tilts. We corrected our positioning and closed our eyes again. We ended up kissing the sides of each other's mouths more than our actual lips. Layne tried to open my mouth with her tongue, but I couldn't seem to allow it. She ended up biting down on my lip too hard in an attempt to be sexy, so I pulled away sheepishly.

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