~:*:~ Forty-Seven ~:*:~

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So Nate finally broke up with Emma...

This was the thought that had kept me up most of the night. Now that Nate was single, he would focus more of his efforts on finding his mystery girl. I knew that he would freak out the moment he found out it was me, and not just because of all the lying. I think the main point that he won't be able to get past easily is that I'm a guy; he said as much at the karaoke event. I had to open him up to the basic concept of dating a guy, specifically me, if I wanted to make a real relationship with him a possibility once he found out that I was his mystery girl.

So before we left to grab some breakfast, I decided to be a little more honest about my feelings for him.

"Hey, Nate! Can you hold on a second?"

He had his hand already on the doorknob, ready to go before I stopped him. He looked back at me with curiosity, much as he did most of last night and this morning after asking how I felt about his prospects with his mystery girl. He definitely suspected something.

"What's up?" He let go of the doorknob and moved to sit on the edge of his bed.

I mimicked his positioning on the edge of my bed, facing him with a nervous expression. "Soooo... here's the thing: now that you and Emma have broken up, I've decided to be more open about my intentions in regards to our relationship-"

"Fuck." He dropped his head back and began rubbing his temple. "Jedson was right... you've got a crush on me."

I guess my attentions and flirting weren't as subtle as I'd thought. Despite my shock at his correct assumption, I blazed on before he could outright refuse me. "Yes, I've got a crush on you, Nate. And I wanted to let you know that I intend to be much more open about it, like real flirting in public and in private. I'm not going to tiptoe around the idea of us dating anymore, because I want to try to make it a reality. I want to make you like me enough to say yes the day I finally ask you out on our first date."

He didn't seem mad... maybe just annoyed. "You seem awfully confident."

"I have to be if I'm going to make you fall for me." He cringed slightly, so I asked, "Are you really that disgusted with the idea?"

"I'm not disgusted, Paxton. I'm just not interested." He said in his defense.

"But you haven't even given me a chance! You already broke up with Emma, so why not-"

"I didn't break up with her to start dating you. I already got someone I'm interested in."

"Your mystery girl..." I confirmed.

He nodded. "So it would be a waste of your time and effort to chase me."

"That's my mistake to make." I stated flatly.

"I suppose."

I leaned forward with slight excitement, "So you don't seem against the idea of me flirting with you, right? Like, you're not gonna deck me if I say you look handsome in that sky blue pullover and those distressed, perfectly tight-fit jeans?"

His cheeks went red as he looked down at his outfit.

I stood up slowly and closed the distance between us. "And you won't yell at me if I do this?" I swept a few stray hairs out of his sightline and tucked them behind his ear.

His entire face was now flushed, but he kept calm as he spoke, "It's nothing you haven't done before."

"Yes but before you just saw these words and actions as coming from a polite and helpful roommate... and now you know I intend it all to be flirtatious."

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