~:*:~ Twenty-One ~:*:~

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Chace walked into our room just as I was setting up my laptop for the fun.

"Dude, shut the door and get over here! You're going to love this...."

He obeyed and remarked, "You seem to be in a good mood today. What happened?"

I shrugged and stated nonchalantly, "Some guy propositioned me in the hallway."

Chace gave me the desired reaction. His eyeballs looked like they were about to bug out of their sockets and his jaw became unhinged. I laughed aloud for a good few minutes at his bewildered appearance.

"You're joking, right?"


"Clarify this for me..." Chace started before finding the words to reiterate what I had just said, "Some guy asked to fuck you, and you're happy about that?!"

I turned back to my computer to continue setting things up. "Hell no! I wasn't happy about being asked out by a guy. In fact, I was quite disturbed by it. But being the gentleman that I am, I didn't let on; I didn't want to hurt his feelings."

"So then why are you in a good mood?"

"Well after I turned the guy down, he apologized for making me feel uncomfortable and then we got to chatting. You might know him actually... it was that Jesse kid, the one that Leona almost moved in with to escape from her terror of a roommate..."

Chace's face fell. He almost looked angry when he found out who it was. What's he got against Jesse?

I pressed on to defend the guy, "He's a nice enough guy... really funny and smart! Anyways, he decided to give me a peace offering in exchange for making an assumption about my sexual preference. Although I think that was just an excuse to share the wealth..."

"What do you mean?"

I finished typing in the website address and clicked enter. The epic sounds of people groaning and crying out in pleasure filled our room as Chace leaned in closer to examine my peace offering.

"Jesse gave me his username and password so I can watch a ridiculous amount of porn on this site! Isn't that amazing?!"

Chace laughed aloud before stating, "Can't you just be satisfied with the free shit the other sites offer?"

"DUDE! Don't you know what a subscription can get you?! These videos are high definition, full length, and exclusive to members only. The free shit is always cut down for time and often blurred out, and the selection is fairly limited in comparison." After typing in Jesse's member information, I began searching through the large list of genres to prove my point to Chace.

He just scoffed at my pleasure in the whole process. "Should I be worried that you know so much about porn sites? Don't tell me you enjoy jacking off to it on the daily?"

"No-... come on, man! It's not like that... I'm not some creepy pervert who can't go a day without shooting my load. I just like having the option when I'm in a bit of a dry spell or whatever. Every guy does it, even you! Don't try to deny it, shithead!"

"I won't deny it, but-..." He stopped himself short before revealing too much.

"But, what?"

"Nothing. Just tell me why you felt the need to show me this?"

"You didn't think I'd keep this to myself, now did you?! The username and password are yours to use whenever you feel like it! Now pull up a chair and let's preview some of these videos! I want to know what my handsome face has won me..."

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