~:*:~ Ninety-Four ~:*:~

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The last time I saw Leona was when she was guarding my belongings during my move into Nate's room. After Ian ran off, I went back downstairs to grab more of my stuff. I thought I would start a shouting match the moment I laid eyes on her, but we were in too public of a place to discuss my sexuality. I deliberately ignored her as I grabbed some random guys that I recognized from a few Massey frosh activities. They agreed to help me take all of my stuff up in exchange for the three unopened bags of chips I had from my last shopping trip. I made the deal and we left Leona alone on the sidewalk without a word.

I was mad at her for outing me to Ian, even though he assured me it was an accident. She tried to get in touch, but I ghosted her pretty hard core because I needed some space to cool off. I didn't want to say something I'd regret, especially to someone as precious to me as her. She seemed to understand what was going on, so her last message said to get in touch whenever I was ready to hear her apology.

When I finally messaged her back, she said she could meet up this afternoon if I was willing to help her with some heavy boxes. I really wasn't in the mood for heavy lifting after an entire morning out on the field, but my curiosity won out and I accepted.

Her door was already wide open because half of her belongings were out in the hall for some bizarre reason.

"What's going on here?" I asked as I poked my head into her room. She was in the middle of tossing her clothes into a suitcase.

"I'm finally moving out of this insane asylum!" She proclaimed cheerfully.

"Did a room open up?" I asked skeptically, knowing from firsthand experience how improbable this was.

"No, I'm just switching with someone else."



"Isn't that the girl who lives with Jesse?"


"I thought that plan was already rejected? Didn't the residency office say that only a guy could move into that room if Jesse stayed? Or a girl could move in with Layne if a bed on the male side opened up for Jesse?"

"Yeah, but that was before."

"Before what?"

"Before Jesse fucked Layne's boyfriend."


She laughed, "I know, right?! The drama of this place! So Jesse comes to me and asks if I'm still willing to move in with him. I'm like, HELL YEAH! He says that even though he and Layne are on okay terms now, he still thinks she'd be more comfortable living somewhere else so things don't get awkward when her ex-boyfriend drops by to hang out with his new boyfriend... you get what I mean?"

"Uhhh... yeah, I think I'm following." I say as I move to sit on the edge of her stripped mattress.

She continues, "So I confirm with Layne that she's cool with this; like I'm straight up about how much of a bitch my current roommate is! Layne still agrees, so the two of us go to the residency office to demand a switch. Of course they said no at first, but then I put on the dramatics and spill all the tea! I tell Layne to exaggerate how heartbroken she is about the whole mess as I screech the phrases 'HE FUCKED HER BOYFRIEND' and 'UNSAFE ENVIRONMENT' over and over again at the top of my lungs for all to hear. They were so scared that someone was going to sue the school for this oversight in proper student placement that they just gave in! I think it also helped that I assured them that Jesse wouldn't be repeating his actions with any current or future lover of mine, because he was now 100% devoted to Layne's ex-boyfriend. So yeah! They did the paper work and now we're moving our shit!"

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