~:*:~ Ninety-Eight ~:*:~

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The group took Jedson out to celebrate his speedy recovery. Not only were his bruises gone on his hip and foot, but his casts were also removed during his last checkup. Jedson still had to wear a wrist brace on each hand for the next few weeks, but at least he was more independent and able to return to the soccer field to practice.

When Jedson invited me out to drink with the others, I politely declined and pretended like I had to meet up with some classmates for a group project. Jedson seemed skeptical at first, but Leona was already privy to my scheme so she was able to assist me with the lie.

"Oh, shit! Is that the project for Mr. Wheeler's class?! I haven't even started mine yet... and it's due Monday, right?! Damn! I should call my group members and see if they're available tomorrow afternoon. I'll meet you boys downstairs when the cab gets here, okay?" Leona frantically began pushing buttons on her phone as she slipped out of my room, winking to me playfully while Jedson's back was to her.

Leona and I were in the same class and we did have a major group project to do, but it wasn't due for another two weeks. Leona's acting was spot on, so Jedson's suspicions easily faded away.

"Okay, you go finish that project... but don't stay out too late working! If your group can't manage it in one night, don't push yourself; just make a plan to meet up again tomorrow or finish the details over skype. And I don't want you walking back to your room alone in the dark... so call me if there's no one else from your group from Massey."

"I'll be fine, Jedson." I assured him with a smile. "I'm not a helpless child anymore, and the bullying has already stopped so there's nothing to fear!"

"Even so, there are predators out there! Someone might try to take advantage of the fact that you're alone." He said in a very serious tone as he rested his hands on my shoulders, squeezing reassuringly.

It was so cute to see him fret over me. I had never met anyone who cared this much about my wellbeing. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him in for a hug. He obliged eagerly, burying his face in my hair as he enveloped me.

"I'll be careful. I promise." I then reluctantly pushed him away and directed him out of my room with a smile. "Now go have fun with your friends! You've earned it. But I better not find out that you've drunk yourself silly just because you're off your meds! Repeat after me: mo-der-ation."

"Moderation..." He said in reply before offering up a mischievous grin. "... I don't know the meaning of the word!" He teased as he made a swift exit, avoiding the pillow I playfully tossed in his direction.

As soon as I overheard the echoes of Chace, Nate and Ian loudly greeting him in the stairwell, I knew it was safe to begin phase two of my plan.

That's right... it was my turn to initiate a sweet confession to the boy I loved.

I had never been this sure of something in my entire life, or as excited for what was to follow when he said yes.


I wasn't magically cured of my social anxieties after a few short sessions. So no one should expect me to make some grand public gesture on a stage with balloons and music and flashing lights like Jedson did during the Freshie Contest. He probably wouldn't even want something so elaborate at this point, specifically because he was trying to distance himself from notoriety these days. We promised each other that we would find a nice middle ground, so the least I could do was confess to him in a public-but-not-really-public sort of way. I know, that sounds confusing. Basically I didn't want to just hide away in his room or mine and confess secretly, and I didn't have the courage to have a large audience of students gawking at us. So the middle ground I found comfortable was to confess in front of his friends, who had sort of become my friends too by association.

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