~:*:~ Fifteen ~:*:~

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Sleeping in the same room as Nate without fucking him has proven to be harder than expected.

Every night I hear him breathing rhythmically in the bed opposite mine. I remember how well his pace matched mine as we fell asleep in each other's arms, satisfied and spent from the multiple romps in that king size hotel bed. Even though the dorm room beds were twin size, I was sure that we'd still fit together perfectly as our bodies intertwined in slumber. Oh, how I wanted to crawl into bed with him each night...

But he still hasn't remembered a thing about that night, or at least nothing that would reveal my identity.

And then there was Emma.

Things were not in my favour at the moment, but at least I was able to spend time with him as a roommate. We hadn't quite progressed to friendship yet, but we were on our way. And I was hoping my next gesture would help things along.

Nate was sitting at his desk playing an online game when I came in. He didn't notice me at first as he had his headset on and was yelling at his fellow teammates into the microphone. I set up our makeshift table in the middle of the room and set out the feast. The smell of sesame chicken and fried rice wafted around the room and captured his attention. He turned to see that I had set out a place for him. I don't even think he signed off from the game as he tossed his headset aside and pulled his chair towards the table to eat.

"Dude, this is my favourite!"

"I know." I let slip, hoping it would jog his memory a bit. He told me when we were at the bar that fateful night.

But he said nothing to contradict me. Either he didn't think over my words, or he just assumed he said it some other time in our connection as roommates.

He shoveled the chicken into his mouth gleefully. I reached under my bed to pull out a case of contraband beer. I poured one into a cup with ice for him to wash the food down with. I laughed at how easy it was to make this boy happy.

I tried again at jogging his memory with another tidbit of information from that night. "I was thinking that we could blow off tonight's frosh event and watch a film. I've downloaded the new Fast & Furious film for us-"

"Holy shit! You like the series too?! It's fate that we've been matched as roommates."

He was right on one thing: it was fate that we came together like this.

But I fucking hated those stupid racing movies. They just got more and more ridiculous as the franchise went on. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that a car goes to space in this new one. What the fuck is that all about?!

Ah, the things we do for love... or a decent lay, as it currently stands.

He agreed to watch the movie, but he was oblivious as ever to the reason why I was throwing all of his favourite things at him.

It was time to take a more direct approach.

"So tell me more about Emma..." I hated bringing her up when it was just the two of us, but I felt like it was the best way to broach the topic of sex, and therefore our little sexcapade. "You've been together for-... how long was it?"

"Two years."

Why hadn't the topic of Emma come up that night?! We talked for hours as we drank at the bar, and he never said a word about her. And when we were in the hotel room, he didn't seem to be bothered by the idea of cheating on the girl! If I didn't like him so much then I wouldn't have forgiven him for this indiscretion. But I was still baffled by it...

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