~:*:~ Twenty-Five ~:*:~

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I was mad.

I knew Ian was doing this on purpose, but I didn't know why.

I pounded my fist on Leona's door. Thankfully she was in and her roommate was out for the moment. She opened the door and gave me a curious look.

"Did Ian try to make you watch porn with him again?"

"Does it look like I have a raging boner this time?!" I gestured towards my crotch as I moved into the room and slumped onto her desk chair.

I was beyond embarrassed the other day when I came to her in such a state. Of course I told her the truth; that I ended up getting hard while staring at Ian's boner, and then I felt like I was about to blow as he touched himself. I had to make a run for it before he realized that it wasn't the porn video that I was getting off on. I always felt safe around Leona, so I just naturally ran to her for help. Of course she didn't help me in that way. She just talked me down from my hysteria and then locked me in a bathroom stall so I could shoot my load privately. After that we just talked in her room until her roommate came home, and then I quietly snuck back into my room as Ian pretended to sleep.

Needless to say, things have been weird between Ian and me since then.

And then he adds insult to injury by throwing Lexi in my face.

"Can I sleep on your floor tonight? Will your roommate mind?"

She scoffs devilishly. "I don't give a fuck if she minds! Move in with me for all I care! Maybe she'll finally get the hint to move out!"

"One night should suffice..."

"So why do you need to sleep here when you've got a perfectly good bed in your room?"

"Ian's got a date tonight."

She rightfully looked confused. "I thought we were all going to the bar off campus tonight? We were going to test out their fake I.D.'s..."

"He messaged me to cancel, saying he was taking Lexi to dinner and then back to our place to fuck."


"Oh?! That's all you have to say?!" I expected more from her; Leona always had an opinion ready when needed.

She raised her hands in surrender. "Well, I don't know! What am I supposed to say?! Or do you expect me to do something, like intervene again? I can't just show up at the restaurant to make trouble, and I don't really feel comfortable walking in on them doing that in your room."

I began to sulk. "I'm not asking you to do anything of the kind... I just want you to do what you do best."

"Which is?"

"Make me feel better." I smiled weakly. "You're my best friend, after all."

"Honey, I don't know what to tell you that I haven't already said. Ian seems to identify as straight-"

"For now..." I interjected.

"Yes, for now. But that's not going to change overnight, especially when you don't make your feelings and intentions towards him known. He's going to continue having sex with girls, and unfortunately you'll just have to deal with it." She sat down on her bed and reached out to clasp my hands. "I really think you should be honest with him. Tell him that your gay, and then maybe he'll be more understanding and more open to the idea of dating you. A possibility doesn't exist until you present it..."

"What's that supposed to me?"

She laughed at my stupidity, but explained anyways. "Right now the idea of 'Chace and Ian as a couple' is probably not even a blip on his radar since his reality consists of two men who only love girls. Bring him into your reality; wake him up to the idea that you're willing to give him a try, so then maybe he'll consider giving you one." Again, I was a little confused by her clever sayings and speeches, so she dumbed it down further with an example. "Remember Max from that trip to Hawaii we took two years ago? I never gave the guy the time of day because I thought it was an impossibility, but then he told me that he wasn't a local and actually lived only a couple of hours away from our hometown. Once I knew it was possible to date him, I began to consider it."

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