~:*:~ Eighty-Two ~:*:~

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Paxton decided to go home for the weekend, saying that he needed to help his father out with some heavy-duty backyard work. I knew this was just an excuse to give me space. He left this morning and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. I felt guilty knowing how happy and relieved I was; I wouldn't have to actively avoid him for two days, and I could finally get off of Jedson's floor for a night. I was being such a dick to him all week long, and yet he still remained patient and attentive with me. He even dropped off breakfast again before leaving campus this morning! Why was I even considering a breakup with such an amazing person?! Was I that scared to publically admit I was dating a guy? Paxton deserves so much better than what I'm offering!

Just as I was about to throw him a bone and message him a simple 'I'll miss you' message, my phone vibrated with multiple alerts from Emma.

Nate's Msg           ***          Emma's Msg

It's Saturday night!

Let's get together tonight.

You already agreed to a date.

You owe me.

It's not a date, remember?

Whatever. Are you free


I ended up agreeing to meeting up tonight. I figured it was best to get this over with as soon as possible, and it helped that Paxton wasn't around to make me feel even guiltier than I already did. I messaged Emma the time and location as I finished off my coffee at Jedson's desk, and then I proceeded to distract myself as I'd done all week by assisting Jedson with his morning routine before we worked on his homework.


Emma completely disregarded my instruction to meet up in the cafeteria for a late dinner. I wanted to be in a public place so any scene she created would be witnessed. And I figured I could stall for time by chewing as I formulated careful responses to whatever ridiculous questions or accusations she threw my way. But Emma had plans of her own; before I could leave my room to meet, she showed up at my door and pushed her way in.

"What the hell, Emma?"

She smiled innocently as she shrugged. "I thought it would be better to hang out in your room. Unless Paxton will be walking in on us...?"

"He's home for the weekend."

She looked almost disappointed. "Well, then I guess we'll have total privacy here to talk."

I closed my door once I accepted the fact that she wasn't budging. She took a seat on the edge of my mattress, so I purposefully sat as far away from her as possible in Paxton's desk chair.

"So are you going to tell me the real reason why you broke up with me?"

"I already told you... I just didn't want to be with you anymore-"

"You like someone else, don't you?" She asked abruptly.

I was feeling a little flustered as I responded, "I'm not-... I don't know what I feel-... I couldn't do that to you-..."

"I know you like Paxton... or at least, you think you like him. Don't deny it like you did that night at karaoke."

I was gobsmacked. "How-... when did you-... did he say-... why-..."

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