~:*:~ Ninety ~:*:~

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It has been days since I made up with Layne, and yet I still haven't summoned the courage to face Jesse. Despite Layne's blessing for our relationship, I still hadn't made up my mind about him yet. Layne said that he's changed his ways to be with me, and that I could be the person to hold on to his heart in a real relationship. But while I was on my way to see for myself, as Layne advised that day, I suddenly felt like my brain and heart were in a full-scale war with each other again. Swirling thoughts of heartbreak and distrust clouded my desire to see him, filling my feet with lead just as I was moving down the hallway towards his room. I was stuck there for a while as I tried to convince myself to go forward, but my fears won out and I abruptly bolted in the opposite direction to get back to my room. I locked myself away for the remainder of the week, and then I planned an unexpected trip home for the weekend to visit my parents... but of course the real reason was to get some distance and clarity.

I came back to campus on Monday, shortly after noon since my morning class had been cancelled.

Just as I was walking across the courtyard towards Massey with my travel bag and some groceries from home, I finally laid eyes on Jesse after all this time apart. He was leaning against the stone façade of the building with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted back to soak up the sun's rays. When I got a little closer, I noticed another guy standing in front of him that had previously been hidden behind a large tree. The guy looked exceptionally angry as he tried to reason with the bored looking smoke-show before him.

"You can't just cut me off out of the blue, Jesse! I thought we had a good thing going here?! Why haven't you answered my calls or messages in weeks? Don't you still want to be fuck buddies?"

Jesse let out a heavy sigh as he tilted his face away from the sunlight and opened his eyes to focus on him. "I'm sorry for ghosting you. I should have broken things off with you properly, but I was just too focused on winning over the guy I'd fallen for."

"Wait, you've fallen for someone?!"

Jesse didn't respond to this. Instead he kept the focus on this guy, "I suppose it's good that you're here though... now we can end this properly. Thank you for being my lover. It really meant a lot to me, and I hope I was able to satisfy you as well." He pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his contacts, "We both agreed on what this was... just sex and nothing more. So it's probably best if we don't stay in touch."

The guy protested as he tried to grab Jesse's phone away, "No! Don't delete my contact info... keep me in your phone just in case you need a quickie, or even a friend to talk to-"

"We both know that you'll never be satisfied as my friend, and I no longer have a need to keep quickie contacts on my phone. Please don't make this a big deal, Johnny." Jesse clicked a few more buttons to delete their previous conversations, delete his contact info, and then blocked the number for good measure. "You'll find someone better than me; someone that you can love."

Johnny let out an amused, dark chuckle as he stared at Jesse in disbelief. "This guy you're in love with must have a magical dick to make you like this! I can't believe you'd give up your sex life for-"

"Being in love doesn't mean sex is off the table. It just means you don't want to share that part of yourself with anyone but him. Sex with love is better than anything I'd ever imagined or experienced before, so I'm not going to give it up easily."

He continued to laugh, not buying what Jesse was selling. "You should at least hold on to my number until you know for sure that this guy is worth it."

"Cutting ties with my former partners is easy for me to do because I'm positive that he's worth it, even if he decides that I'm not. I want to prove to him that I'm serious about him, and then maybe he'll agree to dating-"

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