~:*:~ Forty-Two ~:*:~

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I flung the door open and swept my hand inward. "Welcome! Please, come in. I'd like to begin this session as soon as you're both ready."

Tanner hesitantly stepped into the room with an amused expression on his face.

I was wearing an ugly tweed suit that I picked up at a local thrift shop; it was poop brown with leather elbow pads, and my tie and shirt were appropriately matched. I also combed back my hair with gel and put on a pair of non-prescription thick framed glasses that I borrowed from a neighbouring hipster.

Layne was already lying down on her bed, starring up at the ceiling as if it were a confessional couch.

"What the hell is this?! Therapy, or what?!" Tanner laughed aloud at the absurdity of my theatrics.

"It might seem silly, and I admit I went overboard with the outfit, but I figured it would put you both in a more receptive mood. Get your giggles out now, and then I want you to lie down on my bed-"

"WHAT?!" He spun around to face me, completely mortified by the suggestion.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Calm the fuck down, dude. I'm not gonna try anything with you." I pushed him onto the bed and leaned over him. "Unless you want me to..." I added suggestively to get a rise out of him.

He pushed me away. "Dream on! I would never do that with you."

I smiled. "Never say never, babe."

We stared at each other for quite some time, both trying to figure out what the other wanted. We completely forgot that we weren't alone.

"Can we get on with this? I'd like to join tonight's frosh event if there's still time..." Layne whined while still looking up at the ceiling, trying her hardest to get in the therapy frame-of-mind.

I looked back to Tanner. "Get comfortable. And before you complain again, you should know that I changed the sheets just for you."

I caught him sniffing my pillow when he thought I wasn't looking. He seemed satisfied that it smelled of fresh detergent, but perhaps a little disappointed too. Was he expecting it to still smell of my cologne and sweat? That could easily be arranged...

I inwardly chuckled at my own dirty thoughts as I sat down in my desk chair, now acting as my therapist's seat. I grabbed a pen and a notebook to take notes, and then began, "So you two have decided to bring me into your relationship as an advisor and specialist. Why don't you both tell me exactly what it is you hope to gain from this?"

Layne spoke first, "We want you to fix things between us... make us like we were before."

"That's the basic, agreed upon answer. I want to know what you each individually want out of this. Why do you want my help?"

Layne sounded almost apologetic as she said, "I want to see if this relationship is worth the trouble of fixing it, or if it's already run its course and we're just holding on because we're scared to let go. If you can't save us Jesse, then no one can."

Tanner looked away from the ceiling to look at his girlfriend, disbelief and hurt clouding his face. He clearly wanted to protest the notion of a breakup, but he had no words to do so.

"And what about you, Tanner? Why do you want my help?"

He looked back up and blinked away tears that threatened to fall. "I think that Layne and I just had a bad year when we were apart. But now that we've managed to reunite here at BLU, I think we can be that same loving couple that we once were in high school." He then glared at me as he said, "I don't want your help to prove that to her, but Layne thinks we need you... and I'd do anything for her, so that's that."

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