~:*:~ Sixty-One ~:*:~

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I fucked it all up.

There was no way Nate would ever date me, let alone look at me, after I dropped such a huge bombshell on him. And I can't say I blame him! I was reckless and impatient. Something just came over me when we were in that lobby and Nate was refusing to listen to my warnings. He was just being so stupid and mean! I couldn't help but shatter his entire world; I wanted this non-existent mystery girl to get out of the picture so I could take her place in his heart and mind. I was tired of barely being a runner-up, both to Emma and to his idea of the hotel girl. I was hurt, so I wanted him to hurt too.

And now I was alone in my room, crying over what could have been. I hadn't seen Nate for the past twenty-four hours. He was obviously avoiding me, so I just let him be. I ended up sleeping in the hotel last night; the room was already paid for and I wanted to give Nate the option to sleep comfortably in his own bed without me sleeping ten feet away. But when I got back this morning, I noticed that his bed was untouched. He must have slept at a friend's place, assuming I'd follow him back to campus and attack him in our room. Annoyed with myself and the whole situation, I simply grabbed my backpack and left for class without showering or changing out of my sweaty, alcohol soaked clothing. I stayed away from Massey all day, and then finally returned at midnight to sneak in while Nate was already asleep. But again, he wasn't there. That's when I started my current crying fit.

When I was finally fresh out of tears to shed and my nose was sufficiently stuffed up, the door to our room clicked open and in walked the culprit of my misery. Nate closed the door behind him, and then stood there awkwardly as he watched me try to hide the evidence of my grief. I wiped my nose with the last tissue from my box before stuffing it into the full garbage basket by my bed. I then wiped my eyes and caught my breath, and then I tried to act like everything was normal as I pulled up my sheets and fell back onto my pillow. I turned out my nightstand light and turned my body so my back was to him, showing him that I was fine with us just ignoring each other as we continued to share this room.

His mattress creaked as he took a seat and called out to me in the darkness, "Paxton... we need to talk."

He was going to tell me that he was moving out tomorrow... or maybe he wanted me to move out right now! I should have known he wouldn't be comfortable sharing a room with me! Why didn't I just pack my bags when I returned from the hotel?! How could I be so stupid?!

I threw my blankets aside and jumped out of bed. I didn't dare to look him in the face as I pulled my suit case down from the top shelf of my closet.


I began pulling down my clothes from their hangers, and then I scooped out the folded pieces from my dresser drawers.

"Paxton, what are you doing?"

I grabbed my duffle bag and held it open beside my dresser top. I swept my arm across it to knock all my hair and skin products, my brush, some jewelry and my sunglasses into it. I then picked up my shower caddy and turned it upside down to pour its contents into the bag.

"Please stop this, Paxton. You're being ridiculous!"

If he really wanted me to stop, he would have gotten off his ass and made me. But he just remained seated on the edge of his bed, watching me in a seemingly bored and fed up fashion.

"One of us has to leave, right?! This isn't going to work-... we can't be friends, let alone roommates, after what happened last night. So I'll go!" I uttered frantically as I continued to rampage through our room.

"I don't want you to go, Paxton..."

I finally stopped and spun around to face him directly, throwing my hands up in the air in anger as I demanded an explanation, "WHY?! Why don't you want me to go, Nate, after everything we did?! After everything you said, and everything I said?! I lied to you, Nate. I kept this a secret. But you're not entirely innocent in all this, now are you?! You fucking forgot about me! Do you know how shitty that is?! You mess with my heart and my body all night long, and then you show up the next day without a clue and with your girlfriend on your arm?! How dare you forget about me! Maybe you should rethink your drinking habits, because if you're that prone to getting blackout drunk then perhaps I won't be the last person you make a mistake with. Because that's what you think this is, right?! A mistake?! You regret sleeping with me that night... just admit it! Actually, you know what?! I don't care anymore! I don't need to hear you say another word, because I'm leaving! Now you can forget this ever happened and go crawling back to your shitty ex-girlfriend and beg her to take you back. I'm done!"

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