~:*:~ Fifty-Four ~:*:~

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The night was slowly coming back to me as Paxton and I happily drank, ate and chatted at the bar. Turns out I didn't need to get blackout drunk this time to remember things; the atmosphere and Paxton's company were really helping.

Every time I thought of something, Paxton seemed to politely smile with delight. I figured he was just happy that I was happy, because lord knows that the more I remembered about this girl the smaller Paxton's chances got to be my lover. Well, smaller than they already were; I was honest with him when I said I wasn't gay.

I managed to remember my mystery girl's favourite food and colour, the names of her parents and siblings, the high school she went to and the city she came from, her dream job, her hobbies, her desire to have at least three kids, her former and current pets, a story about how she broke her leg and arm in one ridiculous biking accident, how she purposefully messed up a piano recital to get out of taking classes, and how she loved to head up north to her cousin's cottage every summer. So clearly I no longer had a problem remembering the details of our conversations! Yet for some infuriating reason, I still couldn't visualize the girl that had spent hours sitting next to me on the stool Paxton was currently occupying. She was still just a blur and her voice was distorted in my mind.

Paxton and I lost track of time. It wasn't until the bartender shouted at two in the morning, 'LAST CALL!' that we realized it was time to settle in for the night.

We stumbled out of the bar in a fit of giggles. Paxton stepped up to the edge of the sidewalk to flag down a cab so we could head back to campus. I paced a little as I looked up to the sky, trying to find a star despite the city light pollution. When I finally gave up, I found myself at the opening of an alleyway. Moonlit images of me making out with my mystery girl in this alleyway came flooding back, where we both just couldn't seem to keep our hands and lips off of each other. I felt my heart pounding in desire as I replayed the scene over and over again, trying my damnedest to see her face to no avail.

Paxton's voice tore me away from the memory as he ordered me to get into the cab he obtained. But I wasn't ready to go back to our dorm, too excited by the progress I made to give up now.

When the coast was clear, I stumbled across the street towards the hotel. I heard the faint noises of Paxton apologizing to the cab driver for the inconvenience, and then the screech of tires as he drove off to find a new customer. Paxton called out to me and quickly followed.

He sounded a little panicked as he said, "Weren't we gonna save the hotel for another night? We already got back a lot from our time at the bar, so we should just-"

"I'm on a roll, Paxton! I want to see her face again, like right now!"

"But it's so late! We should head back to campus and get some sleep. Classes start tomorrow!"

I laughed out loud as I pointed out, "This is a hotel, Paxton! We can just sleep here. My treat!" I grabbed the door handle and swung it open to enter the lobby. It was very quiet this late at night, but someone still stood guard and another stood at the front desk to check in late night visitors.

"Nate... I don't think you're ready for this!" Paxton grabbed my hand to try and direct me back outside.

I gave him a curious look. "Perhaps you're the one who's not ready for this? The sooner I remember her name or face, the easier it will be for me to find her again. And you can bet that I intend to make her my girlfriend..." I removed his hand from mine. "Basically your opportunities to publically flirt with me will end before you really got a chance to start."

He protests feebly, "Well that's not fair! You have to give me more time, Nate! At least a day! We can come back tomorrow, okay? Just give me a chance to take you out or something-"

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