~:*:~ Sixty-Two ~:*:~

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Leona swung her door open with a pleasant smile, but it instantly faded when she saw the tear marks running down my face and the look of utter heart break on my face. She gently grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room.

"Oh my goodness! Sweetheart, what happened?"

I looked around the room for unwelcomed eavesdroppers first. "Where's your roommate?" I asked as she closed the door and directed me to sit comfortably on her bed.

"She's pissed about her slippers, so she's staying in her friend's room until I apologise. Ha! That self-righteous bitch; she walks around like I should cater to her every whim and demand, like she's the Queen of Sheba that could never do wrong! She's got that spoiled, only child complex for sure. Like I'd apologize, especially if not doing so means I get the room to myself!" Leona chuckled triumphantly for a brief moment before remembering that I was clearly in crisis and in need of her council. She sat down beside me and began rubbing my back in a soothing, loving manner. "What's wrong, Chace?"

I let out a heavy sigh as the tears continued to slowly fall down my cheeks. "I think it's about time I give up on Ian..."

She seemed completely surprised by this development. "You're kidding, right?! Does this have something to do with him asking me out? Because you know that was all bullshit on his part... he was just mad at you for god knows what! He just lost his head for a minute."

"I know why he's mad at me..."

"Okay, so what is he misunderstanding this time?"

This made me smile. "You're awful trusting of me."

"I know that whatever you did, it's never as bad as he thinks! Plus, you're my best friend! I know you better than anyone else could, even that idiot Ian."

I just gave her the quick summary of what happened, "He caught me talking to Miriam again this afternoon. He assumed I lied about turning her down this morning, and that I was planning on secretly dating her behind his back."

She rolled her eyes as she said, "Obviously not true, given the fact that you're gay and totally crushing on Ian."

"There's nothing obvious about it though, at least not to anyone but you! Ian doesn't know I'm gay, so of course he would think I'm stealing his girl-"

"No, that's just insane! You guys have a connection that makes your friendship special, so he shouldn't be making such stupid assumptions whenever you talk to his girl! Deep down he has to know that you'd never do that to him, so there's got to be something else going on here."

I shook my head sadly. "I don't think so. He basically told me to go fuck Miriam and Lexi to my heart's content."

Leona became annoyed the second I mentioned Lexi's name. "Not her again! Didn't I already clear that shit up?!"

"He doesn't believe it anymore, I guess. Seeing me with Miriam behind his back must have made him think I'm doing the same with Lexi."

"Fucking moron..." She let the insult slip before squeezing my shoulder reassuringly and saying, "Sorry, I know you like him and all, but sometimes I just don't see the appeal."

I chuckled, "Trust me... I'm at a loss right now too. Whenever he gets mad at me and lashes out, I can't help but feel like we're not so compatible after all." A slow smile spreads across my face as I recalled our grand reunion on the soccer field, when he jumped into my arms and apologized for the whole Lexi mix-up. "But then he gets over it and does something insanely cute, and my heart is pulled back to him like a magnet."

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