5/28/21 The Apartment in the Sky

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I was in a big city at night. I don't know why I was there, but as I was walking down a back street, two friendly puppies came up to me. I asked them where home was and they led me to a flight of stairs attached to a skyscraper. I made it my duty to get these puppies home safe, so I started up the stairs.
The climb was a long one. We passed many apartments and the stairs went inside the building at times. At one point the tired puppies slowed down and began to nap, so I picked them up and carried them as far as I could.
As we climbed higher the puppies got excited again and led the way to their home. We finally reached the very top of the building. I rang the doorbell to the highest apartment I've ever seen and a man came to greet us. Thankfully the puppies belonged to him and had somehow escaped and made it all the way to the ground. He thanked me for bringing them back and gave me a quick tour of his apartment. It was very nice inside. He had a piano and big kitchen. I thanked him for the tour and said goodbye to the puppies and made my way down the long flight of stairs, wondering how they managed to escape and how the man brings groceries to his apartment.

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