9-8-16 Gem Mission

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I was with the Steven Universe crew, sometimes jumping into the viewpoint of Steven. We traveled on Lion to another communication tower on the moon, with everyone this time (the main 3, Peridot, Lapis, and Lars for some reason?). The line to Yellow Diamond was all the way at the top of the this huge, tall, alien-looking tower. We went up so many stairs and made it to the correct room, which resembled a classroom with a huge screen on the front wall. By opening the door, it pressed a button on the ceiling that called YD. We all sat near the back at the long tables, nervously awaiting her response.
This is where it gets confusing: I had two versions of this dream. The first version, the response came in by a gem even higher in command than the diamonds. It was like... some kind of god that was in charge of earth. She actually seemed sort of friendly, and told us to forget about the cluster because she wanted to keep earth. But then, after doing research on the cluster's status, she became enraged to discover that it was bubbled. The room, and the whole tower began to shake and self destruct. I was able to save everyone by bubbling us all, and riding on lion away from the tower. The rest I'll tell in the next version:
We made it to the communication room and the button called YD. When she answered the call, she definitely didn't look like YD. She was red, like Garnet, with brown skin and black hair like Jenny. She was really friendly and social, and was amazed to see Garnet and Pearl in the flesh (or I guess stone) from all the stories she heard of them. We were all really confused and anxious, but trying to make sure she stayed happy. Unfortunately, she did become enraged and even transported herself into the room and began flipping out on us. She threw the tables and destroyed most of our physical forms. Garnet escaped her laser, Pearl struggled to reform right away, but made it out, Garnet caught Amethyst's gem, but poor Peri and Lapis were captured. YD was just about to destroy me until I bubbled myself and she stared in awe at Rose's bubble. She even laughed a sort of warm-hearted laugh as I (Steven) struggled a bit to stay steady, and then proceed to wrap my bubble around everyone else. We rode out on Lion and out onto the moon, which was more like a snowy mountain-scape. I struggled to keep everyone inside as we ran from the exploding tower. At one point Amethyst fell out and froze inside a block of consuming ice, which I grabbed inside the bubble since there was no time to melt it. We escaped down the mountain to the bottom, but by this time the atmosphere was so cold I couldn't keep everyone bubbled. As we faded inside the snow, Lars (the new crystal gem I guess?!) activated his red gem and bubbled us all again, melting the snow and saving us all.
We somehow ended up in Russia, where Sadie had an apartment run by robots. They revolted for some reason and we escaped through the basement out into the snowy mountains of Russia. It was really dark and we used little lights to see our way down the rocks to the beach where everyone was waiting for rescue. I got separated from Lars and Sadie and found them by calling a nickname Lars gave her instead, in fear of using her real name in case the robots find her.
While waiting on the shore, we saw large thick individual crystals in the distant in the ocean, sparkling like a beacon. They eventually came closer and we found them to be ships decorated with lights to rescue us.

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