7-6-16 The Master's Mansion

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These are some crazy adventures right here. I'll try to recollect everything. I was trapped in a mansion with its owner, who was very creepy and resembled the Phantom. The place was very dark with renaissance paintings, furniture, decor, etc. Candles on shelves lit the rooms, and tall mosaic windows let in soft colorful glows. It was an unsettling ambiance, especially knowing that I was being stalked.
I remember then a whole group of people that were forced to play a survival game. The "phantom" man turned us into killers, murdering people in exchange for golden coins. The person with the most won and would be free. I tried hard to make everyone work together. But a particular friend of mine was getting too involved out of fear and stress. He turned into a tyrant, killing people that meant the least to him, although they were family to others. It was terrifying.
Later, I recall running for my life up a long, dark, swirling staircase from a monster. I was with a few people too, my friends. We managed to escape somehow (something with a broken railing and spikes) and came upon a group of young girls dressed in white lacy dresses. They sat around the top of the staircase, chatting and being like giggly air-headed schoolgirls. Apparently they lived in the castle and were obsessed with the master. I think they were supposed to be like, his stress relief? But they weren't held against their will, they enjoyed being there. Anyway, I decided to disguise myself in this group while my friends went off to rescue the others and find a way to escape. I ended up on this huge bed that laid like a giant canopy in the middle of a large room. It replaced the floor, so the only way to walk was along the room's walls.
The master came in rather angry because he was having no luck in finding me. (Ps, he wore black and red and some white, in a very rich old-century suit). Everyone cheered like they were in the presence of their favorite boy band, and I had to act that way to keep my disguise. I forced a high giggly girly voice out of my normal lower, serious voice to keep myself blended in. The master smiled and nodded to us, and began rummaging through some shelves and books.  As he made his way around our bed, he came closer and spotted me. I continued to act like an airhead, but he was suspicious. He jumped into our canopy and began acting all friendly. He asked for my name, to which I lied, and asked for a story. All the other girls cheered excitedly because of how close he was to us, talking and being interested.
I, however, slowed down a bit. "A story?" I asked, trying to think of one that wouldn't give myself away. I hesitatingly began, but he quickly interrupted to ask if I wanted a cinnamon bun. "Ok!" I responded fast in a girly fashion. When he left, I rapidly whispered to the other girls what kind of story I was supposed to tell. One of them said, "your deepest most lovely story from your heart," or something like that. I think I was about to tell the story of the Beauty and the Beast, but when he came back and watched me eat my cinnamon bun, he grew more suspicious of me. He asked for a song, to which I was very hesitant. But somehow, I had sung one (which I desperately wish I could remember the lyrics to) and he recognized me. He smiled when he rhetorically asked if I thought I could get away with this.
Later, I remember being shoved into a room with everyone who was still alive. There was a pool in the middle, again making the only floor along the walls. Everyone was in poverty and starving. I spent some time trying to find spare food from others to feed one of my friend's mother who was so hungry that she nibbled on her son's ear. Some rich family (a man and his two daughters) had plenty of food, but didn't want to share any. I asked his daughter who was rummaging through a tall glass case of food and taxidermy. She said no, unless the taxidermy animals were ok. I asked the father what the ingredients were, like if there was glue or anything. He started out saying no, cause they were gifts for his friends, but I retaliated saying that we might not even survive here and that he should share what he has. He then answered that there was glue, so I returned to my friend's area. The master came in and we stared at him anticipated as to what will become of our fate.
But, I forget how, he was good now (I think I had something to do with it) and he told us all to stay quiet and turn off our lights. He passed out wooden stakes to wear on our heads and sit still because the "staircase reaper" was coming and we needed to scare him away. I was helping, trying to take charge and be a leader. We turned off all the lights and sat still. The monster began to wander around, stepping on our head spikes and retreating to different areas. Were were supposed to be like the spiky railings at the top of his staircase that he couldn't get by because they poked his feat. He eventually gave up and left, not knowing that we were people. The lights turned on and everyone cheered for the master. We honored him and the people that had died during the whole event. But, my friend that had gone rogue appeared from the doorway and stabbed the master in the neck with one of the stakes, killing him. I screamed and cried at him, saying that I never would have thought that kind of person would become who he was. He regretted what he did and took the master's sword and killed himself. I don't remember much after that... I think two of the girls I acquainted with in the canopy bed decided to follow me in my career of singing and acting?
Anyway, it was just one of those dreams that laid out like a big adventure story. Everything connected (even though I forget some parts) and the characters were important. I wasn't exactly me, but a character called Irah who was very smart, brave, independent, and spoke from the heart. I don't remember why the master wanted me, but I fought back, for myself and for the people he held captive. And I was the reason he had changed his ways to become good. That kind of character I seem to play in my dreams is the person that I think my subconscious wants me to be? I'm content with either character, but my dream personality is quite fun in my dreams and it leads the story through to make it a memorable adventure.

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