3-29-16 Playful Seal

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At the beach, I think it was Florida. The day was very rainy, like a thunderstorm had just passed by and the after effects were cloudy and breezy. The waves were very dicey, and me and some people were debating if we should swim or not, just by walking along the shore and watching the water. At one point, a seal suddenly appeared playing around in the waves. He flipped around, body surfed, and swam all over the waves along the shore. I followed it with a video (I guess my dreams are starting to recognize I have an iPod touch now and allowing me to take videos with it). The seal was very playful, and I ended up getting in the water near the end. The seal let the waves wash it onto the shore and just kind of sat there looking at us. I think it was just being friendly, but that's all I remember.

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