10-15-16 Apocalyptic Storm

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I swear I've had this dream before (at the end part). It began while I was playing Super Mario Sunshine, just messing around with the super speed nozzle in the main Delfino plaza. I zoomed into the ocean where I suddenly found a boat I never saw before. It was being driven by mayor Tortimer who was waiting to take me on a mission. I guess it was some bonus game. We drove into the mouth of a giant old sea turtle where we docked at a secret facility. Before we were able to start the level, the sea turtle said that he was too old to carry this burden, and he dropped the facility onto the sea floor. This is where things went downhill. I suppose it was some sort of boss level, as I needed to think fast and escape people who were attacking me. It somehow merged into the Paramount house, where we (my family) were hiding from the boss lady. She patrolled the area looking for us, and eventually discovered us. The only way she'd let us go is if we traded things to her. Sarah (sister) gave all of her rats (to which I was weeping uncontrollably) but she seemed pretty calm, I guess since the lady had her own rat. I rushed to my room to protect Jack (and apparently a baby bunny I had named Sammy). We all were trying to hide them from her so she wouldn't see them and want them.
Somehow it merged into a school field trip with Mr. Stone (an old teacher) as the bus driver. I was really timid on the bus since I didn't know anyone, but there were these two girls who were really friendly joking about eye color. They compared their colors with each other and with me, which made me feel better.
We kept stopping at different places, but it always felt so rushed, as Mr. Stone would leave some kids behind if they didn't come in time. I remember seeing them running behind the bus and I'd be yelling to stop, but it didn't stop.
The last place was some big mansion thing. It was raining, and a guy had me on his back running through the perimeter like it was an obstacle course. Things turned apocalyptic where there were these "heat waves" that came after lightning and were really devastating. We loaded onto the bus, but Mr. Stone had blacked out or something and I ended up in the drivers seat. I was following a bunch of other buses trying to evacuate, and one of the waves broke the windshield. We ended up driving onto the beach where it seemed everyone was grouping up as if it was the place to go. The storm was over the distant water, and every wave was outlined with fire. Everyone ran along the beach to find cover under the nearby docks and houses. We were split up by now, and I remember one lady who lived in one of the beach houses shouting that the best place to go was straight into the ocean to drown. But I didn't want to give up and found a large dock that was wide and covered like a canopy or tent over the sand just before the water. It was a good place to hide from the heat waves. I met up with some others from the group and I began to pray and encourage those around me. Some were skeptical and negative, but I continued to lift the situation up to God. A huge wave began to tower over the shore and we all braced ourselves for impact. I began to climb the rafters under the dock, higher towards the slanted top, singing a worship song and holding my breath from the water.
The water did not enter the underside of the tent. Everyone was miraculously saved, even the people who weren't hiding there. They rejoiced and regrouped with loved ones, and I walked around trying to find more people from my group.
The wave had magically stopped just above the roof of the dock, as if there was a wall. The ocean was back to normal, and no water touched the underside.

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