7-23-16 Lost Driving | Tara Strong | Mamma Bird | Bronycon

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-I was driving home from black belt class (of which I know the route like the back of my hand in reality) and I kept getting confused of which highways I was supposed to merge on from other highways. The route I was going was crazy complicated, and I was getting really lost amidst all the signs and roads and speeding traffic. I kept taking a wrong turn, then backing up somehow, then took another road, then wondered if I made the right choice, etc etc. I somehow ended up in Baltimore, and was able to connect to wifi on my iPad to look at the map. It said I was half an hour away and directed me to take a subway to the road I needed to get on. I didn't want to pay for the ride, but I ended up inside the station anyway, which was also a hotel, restaurant, info center, etc. My map actually gave me directions through the station to get into the correct line for the train. After I would get back on track, the route on my map led around in crazy scribbles with so many merges and turns. I was scared that when I got back on the road, I wouldn't be able to remember it all after disconnecting from wifi. That's all I remember from that dream.

-I was in a huge auditorium with some kind of Disney movie ending on a gigantic screen. Apparently this sort of "convention" happens annually, and I would always give every member of the audience a hug afterwords. The audience consisted of Disney characters, tourists, people I knew, and people just watching. As I made my way up each row, I came upon "Bellatrix" who was apparently in Pirates of the Caribbean. She ran away screaming because she hates hugs, so I went on to hug Captain Jack sparrow and some other villains until she came back. When she came back to her seat, I sneak attacked her and she punched me and ran away screaming again.
After I finished hugging everyone, I went to look at all the expensive merchandise that the theater was selling. I wanted a Mickey Tsum-tsum, but they were $30, and everything else was over that. My family was waiting for me in the car, so I exited the building and came upon a My Little Pony carousel, with different pony characters that you could ride on.
Sarah (sister) and I were outside and decided to ride on the merry-go-round, so I chose to ride on Dr. Hooves, and she hopped up on Lyra. Some other people joined and put some quarters in so the carousel could start spinning. As we were circling around, Pinky Pie's voice came into the speaker and began to tell a story that included all the characters that were a part of the ride.

-I had made friends with Tara Strong because she thought I was "enjoyable" and proceeded to help me set up a time to meet my favorite actors. She would get me to meet them when I go to Florida, so I mentioned PBA (a college I was interested in), but she didn't know about it. She really liked my Pinky Pie voice (even though I can't do her voice) and was very nice to me, like she actually wanted to be my friend.

-There was this extremely protective mother bird that lived in a tree next to my house, and almost murdered my squirrel friend for getting too close to her nest continuously. I almost gave up/woke up due to panic as I watched my friend get mauled, but somehow froze time and healed her. She was in a daze when she woke up, and I gently approached the bird to talk. She explained her reasons for attacking which was that the squirrel pushed the limit for getting too close too many times. After that, she began to clear space around her branch of dead sticks and branches. We were concerned that because of this, they would get rained on. So I asked my friend to come help me get a blanket for the bird to protect her and her babies from the rain. My friend agreed right away to get back on good terms. We found a small tarp in my basement, which the bird loved because it was water resistant and a safe, dry place for her children.
We all became good friends, and in the future, she had decided to attack invading yellow jackets that built a nest on our fence. I refused, saying that that was suicide and I could just get a spray to get rid of them. She was determined to do this, as if it was some kind of repayment for what I did for her. She left her children in my and my friend's (who was now  my sister Sarah) care. I was in much distress as she went off to die, but something was happening in the nest. There was a strange red/yellow color that kind of gave birth? to 2 children, boy and girl, and they had human faces but were sort of like fish (like Ponyo). Apparently the strange color happens when parents are in distress and it saves the children? We went to find a new home for them and came upon a small yellow pond. It was strangely perfect so we put the excited children into swim around and play.
Suddenly a baby orca appeared named "Bee" who at first we freaked out about because he could've been dangerous. We played for a while until a ball bounced over to a bigger more yellow/foggy pool beside ours. I went to get it, though Bee was panicking. I ran into a large orca while retrieving the ball underwater, and swam for my life, jumping back to our pond. Bee explained that it was his father. They had been dumped by trucks with tons of other orcas but he killed all of them. That's why Bee was in our pond, because his father would have killed him. Eventually we were able to contact someone to capture him and we ended up freezing him in the pool before he killed anyone else (at this point, he looked like a dinosaur).

-I was at Bronycon with Carmen (friend). She took me to the bar area which was the top floor of the building. It looked kind of like a treehouse. With wooden floors, railings, and stairs. Most of it was just tables and chairs to sit at and talk. I was able to fly up instead of using the stairs, or escalator. I met with the Henry's (school family) when I realized that my ears had fallen off their clips even though I had sewed them on so they would not do that.
I was really confused and disappointed, but after the devastation, everyone flocked to the auditorium (looked like my old church Newsong) and all the main six were putting on a show, with me as Fluttershy. We were all powering up with fancy dresses and staffs with our cutiemarks to defeat Tirek, or some kind of evil. He was turning other cosplayers into their evil counterparts, like Rarity into Nightmare Rarity and me into Flutterbat. I flew around as Flutterbat for the rest of the night, pretending to steal apples and fluttering around the convention building, over peoples heads and into rooms.

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