4/28/19 Seashore Stroll

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I was walking along a beach beside some sort of amusement park. I had gone with my sister Sarah and we went outside to get some quiet time for a bit. I spotted a few sea creatures on my walk:
One was the biggest seahorse I've seen - light brown and about the size of my hand. I knelt into the clear, early evening water to get a video of it cradled in my hand under water. After that, I saw a white and blue garden eel. I did the same thing I've done with the seahorse as the eel gently nipped at my palm. That one was my favorite video.
Then on the shore, I spotted what looked like a giant pink axolotl, but more lizard like and with an ugly blobby face. Upon approaching it, it left its rock and scrambled into the water. No pictures for that one.

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