12/27/17 Back to High School

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I was in some kind of program where I'd be taking classes at my high school (which I graduated from in 2013), similar to how college works. I wasn't ecstatic to go back, but I always like to see how everyone is doing. I seemed to be with my original classmates too, in the Burl building (our school moved a lot), with 2 or 3 new people. I was with my friend Carmen too, so it was just like old times. The first class I went to was my English teacher's, where I was apparently not doing so well because she was brutal at grading. I remember almost crying as she was talking to me about how poorly I wrote a paper about bullfighting that I'd have to present. I thought I did well, but I got a poor grade on it.
Another thing we did was take a photo of nature and hung them on the window. I noticed that one of my classmates had taken the exact same photo I did (a field with a swirly tree in the middle, and some trees in the background to the side), except later after it had snowed. So my picture included autumn leaves on the green grass, while hers had a thin blanket of snow. She got an A, but I got a D. That was the most confusing part to me.
In between classes, I wanted to walk around to see how the other teachers were doing. Passing each room, I saw high school kids of various ages seated in their desks. I didn't want to interrupt their classes, even though we were between them, and I didn't see the teachers.
Later, I went to the auditorium for lunch and sat with Carmen. I told her my situation with getting bad grades from that teacher in particular, and I was also confused about the schedule. I was just following my classmates to our next class, because I didn't know the schedule, and didn't receive one or knew how to get one. She didn't know either. Apparently you had to get an app or something that will show your schedule, but I didn't want another app on my device.

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