1/6/20 Bombs

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My sister Sarah and I were in the parking lot of a park beside a stream. It was busy that day with lots of cars and people playing or picnicking in the grass and hiking in the woods. We were collecting our things from her car when suddenly an enormous aircraft appeared over us from behind the tree line.
It resembled a rocket ship: long, white, and aerodynamic with large fin-like triangular panels attached to the rear. It was also the biggest man-made thing I have ever seen. It nearly took up the whole sky and could probably be seen from miles away.
It's engines rumbled the landscape as it slowly hovered over the park. We gazed in both amazement and fear, not knowing the purpose of this massive aircraft. Then, it began to release thousands of little objects that whistled as they dove to the ground.
Suddenly it was raining mini-explosives and we quickly shuffled underneath the car for cover. Panicked, our eyes darted from each other to the barrage of tiny bombs around us, hoping that no one would get hurt or worse. The noise carried on for a minute or two before it went quiet. We scooted out and stood up to examine the scene. The ship was out of sight, but the ground smoked like ash. Small white piles speckled the earth and every other affected surface. I noticed a small fire beside a car twenty feet or so away from us and jumped into action.
Luckily, Sarah had a mini fire extinguisher in her car, so I grabbed it and told her I will be putting out any fires I saw. I then ran to the other car, pulled the pin out, and squirted the carbon dioxide at the base of the fire before it reached the vehicle. I then trekked through the park, scanning the environment, checking for anyone who looked injured, and hoping that the attack wasn't some sign for the end of the world.

Later, we came upon a campground that resembled more of a small town. The cabins were very nice with their own little outdoor paradise beside the woods. We went inside one for some reason and familiarized ourselves with the layout. This time my whole family was there so I guess we had rented the house for vacation.
After exploring and picking our rooms, time passed and we were all asleep in our beds. But sometime in the night, a sudden heavy rain pounded down on the house, waking me up immediately. Then,
A house-shaking explosion went off outside. I knew it wasn't thunder, and quickly jumped out of bed to gather my sisters. As I ran throughout the house, more bombs went off, shaking even the air. We ran to find a basement and opened a secret door to a toy-filled room. It was the best option, so we piled in. The heavy rain didn't last long, and it seemed the bombs ceased as the rain did.
When we felt safe enough to leave, I ran upstairs to make sure my parents were okay. They were making food and packing up, ready to leave as soon as possible.

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