2-14-17 Light Vein | Swimming with Pet Fish | Shady Goose Grim

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This was pretty amazing. I started out sick, walking in the woods with the family. I was having trouble staying conscious, but I wanted to see the animals. Mommy was practicing something to do with her school kids. She basically summoned a wild turkey, goose, and then we saw a wild horse! Our dog Champ ran after it though, so we had to leave. On our walk, we saw another wild horse behind a big fence. I started a video and then suddenly a friggin t-Rex showed up and battled the horse! It really lashed out. We were terrified, and began to run when the dinosaur started attacking the fence. We bolted down the mountain trail, though we were stumbling a lot. The t-Rex destroyed its way through the fence and went straight after us. Everyone was struggling, some began falling down the hill. It looked like we were gonners. But suddenly, as I fell down the mountain, I began to fly. I transformed into this figure of light powers and could levitate everyone out of the woods by attaching threads made of shimmering light. I flew us all to safety.
Somehow we got separated though, and I was running to the edge of the woods where the ocean was. I flagged down a speedboat that stopped off the coast where some people were snorkeling. I ran across the water to the boat and got the attention of the guy who was about to snorkel. At first he refused helping me, but he changed his mind and pushed me in the water with a snorkel. Apparently this was helping?
I got annoyed and turned into my superhero form and flew out of the water, attaching my strings to all the snorkelers and levitating them. The guy was ecstatic. Finally I had his attention, and he agreed to come with me. We flew back to the harbor, during which he called me "light," to which I was rather annoyed because it was just based on my appearance. But I think my real name was Light Vein??
Anyway, somehow there was a huge breech of animals escaping from the woods. Animals and creatures. And it was up to me to save them. I captured a handful and took them to a hospital holding area where a woman with incredible strength waited. I warned her about the Rex's, but she said there's nothing she can't handle. I was impressed when she was able to shut the dino in a waiting stall.
After some time, however, things escalated. The animals became too much for me to handle, especially the Rex's. It was pretty terrifying, because people died. The animals were rampaging the harbor, tearing apart rides and stepping on innocent people. The hospital was getting overcrowded too, and the Rex's began escaping. I felt helpless.
After holding a rampaging elephant while watching a Rex destroy a ride with people inside, I then made a difficult decision. I levitated all the dinosaurs and flew with them over the ocean. I dropped them in to drown them. I couldn't even look, as I turned away to hear their splashes. I was devastated by this decision, but it was the only way to save everyone.
Later, I met up with the speedboat guy (Jay) and he said the same. It was either them or us. There was nothing else I could do. It helped me a little, but I just didn't want to think about it. I flew us over to the hospital lady who was a hairdresser apparently. I guess I saw a mother-figure in her, because she was different too. Her hair was white and full as the moon, and her strength was inhuman. We were both blessed with powers. She was very friendly to me and Jay, and offered him a free haircut.
Later, Jay and I were racing around the abandoned/destroyed buildings on one section of the harbor city. He had a motorcycle and we were trying to break my flying speed record. We were zooming through a dark dirty tunnel. I could hear his bike getting closer and closer as his headlight shown brighter on the dusty walls and cobwebs. Finally I saw the finish line, an enormous stone chapel room with a huge pink stained glass window. It was like a beacon. I shot a light thread towards it, waiting to feel the attachment. Just as Jay was about to touch me, I flew twice as fast as the string pulled me. Jay was so distracted that his bike hit a piece of ruin and he toppled over. On the slanted sill of the window, I called out to him after hearing his crash. I shot out a ball of light that lit up the room. His legs were injured and I started looking through my bag for anything to help him in the meantime before I take him to a hospital.
It starts to get blurry here, but I think he called out for something in particular in my bag. I angrily asked how he knew it was there and then became enraged finding out that he went through my bag before. He got super mad too, and started walking off back through the tunnel. I went after him shouting that he needed a hospital but he was very refusing. I think I levitated him though?
Later, he wanted to make our team famous and started scouting out a good place for photo shoots with people. There was this beautiful open area by a stream with tons of birds. He saw a perfect spot, but I said that a bunch of people scaring away wildlife and stamping down plants would damage the ecosystem in this area. He was annoyed, but relented. I can't remember much else, but I feel like this was a really cool story. I especially loved the powers I had, using light and force fields. The string levitating thing was fascinating. It was like I was walking a dog but with magic XD. I think later on, Jay found a way to keep up with me by making a device similar to his speedboat. They looked like thick stilts with platforms for his feet that had a hovering mechanic, and the longer parts he'd hold like ski sticks to turn and fly.

-In an earlier dream, Sarah (sister) and I were getting our own rooms, so we were moving things around. She put the fish tank (except it was the big one) on the floor by my bed to clear space for her rats. The top was open, so the fish swam out! They seemed to like my blue lantern lights around my bed. I began to play with them, swimming in circles in my bed as they followed me like a school. I felt like a mermaid^^

-I was traveling with a group of animals in a world of kill or be killed. I was a young dear Bambi (although not the actual character) with my mom, a hippo, a bull, a gorilla, a frog (who seemed to be the leader), and I can't remember who the others were. We came upon a decrepit house (pretty much my childhood house) that had animals inside. We organized a plan for us to meet on either side of the house at a window. Inside was an animal/monster waiting to attack anything it'd see. We began at the basement, where our bull went around the opposite side and my mom would distract the gorilla inside so the bull could surprise attack. My mom stood at the window and called at the gorilla.
Suddenly her neck was lassoed and yanked inside. I was literally shocked to death.
That's when I began to watch or play an animal on my team for the rest of the time since I literally died. It was a stressful time to get on either side of the house without a beast seeing us. We were nearly ready until one of our team members got noticed by a monster. But he didn't see it creeping up on him, so I (a parrot now) scratched the wall to warn him. The monster and my ally saw me at the same time, and my ally attacked the beast. It was war, and we all attacked the creatures. There was a hippo chomping the face off a whale, the frog punching the eye of a giant, the bull smashing a beast into things with his horns. It was chaos, but we came out victors. We did it all in the name of the first who died, Bambi's mom and her son.
We were celebrating for a short time until a door opened and a woman stood there, shocked. She was Mother Goose, although in this dream her name was Shady Goose Grim because her stories and creatures were grim.
We explained our actions and the death of our friends as we followed her briskly walking down the yard towards the road. She listened, though angrily, and demanded that we be punished.
She called out, "Marco!" and a light and puff of smoke appeared a distance up the road. It looked like a man wearing a light on his tophat, and he replied, "hello, Grim!"
She then called out, "polo!" and he suddenly appeared in front of us. We panicked and split up and the game supposedly began. We were to play Marco Polo with himself. We were running throughout the wooded yard. If we didn't respond when Marco called, we would slow down and freeze in place. But when we did respond "polo," he'd poof right behind us with that bright light, running on our tails. He was a slow runner, but his terrifying sudden appearances made up for it. Every time we'd outrun him, he'd shout "Marco" and we had to reply or else we'd stop, and he'd poof right behind us again. It was a matter of endurance and possibly hiding.
Things get blurry here, but I remember some of our team were able to hide for a short time, whether it be in a tree or the side of a cliff (idk why our yard is so big and full). It was scary at the time, but the idea of the real life Marco Polo was rather fascinating to me.

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