3-19-16 Mission Against Monsters

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It started out as a Mario game, but ended up as a full on mission against monsters. The theme was, we needed to wear some kind of red to keep us hidden and to recognize each other. I wore my red flower. We each were equipped with a green spray can to spray at our enemies to blind them from us.
It took place in some kind of large hotel, and I was assigned to a small group to stay in a room and go on missions. The first time I started (which began as a Mario game), I sprayed large monsters and humanoid aliens in some kind of alien cave. Once they were sprayed, they forgot and could not see me. I ended up in what looked like the Newsong (my old church) gym, where we were recruited for the mission. I did pretty well, so they put me in charge of the group I was assigned to (even though I didn't want to be leader). We made our way to our room of the dark hotel, spraying aliens as we went. They were everywhere, like if you just wanted to walk down the hallway, one would be there. Like zombies. The rule was to never go anywhere without your spray can.
The room was pretty cozy, four beds, bathroom, and some lamps to keep it bright. The group was nice. Reminded me of Dayspring (my school) people, students and parents. Each time we'd leave the room, the fight was on. At first I thought the alien/zombie had to be completely covered in the spray, but later I found that a spray to the face is most effective. Sometimes we'd run into other groups and accidentally spray them until we'd realize they were wearing a red piece of clothing.
Near the end of the dream, a small group of more intelligent aliens entered our room while only 2 of us were in there. They shouldn't have been able to, because the frame around the short stairways to the room was taped in green to keep monsters from entering. We kept spraying and spraying, but it had no effect. The leader of the group, a teenaged girl, kept saying that it was pointless to do that. Her posse was searching the room for things we hid. Things that a monster should never have. She was so human, that we just decided to dress her in green ties to keep her hidden from the monsters. I guess we let her join the group? It ended at me spraying zombies that kept coming in, trying to make them leave. It worked very slowly, and they didn't seem to be oblivious that I was there.

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