7/16/19 Snufkin Crow

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I was hanging out in my back yard with Snufkin (from the old cartoon Moomin that I've been watching). Although this Snufkin could apparently transform into a crow. When he did, I watched him fly several yards above me until smaller birds began to chase him. He must've came too close to a nest, as that's what birds do with larger animals.
As they chased and dive bombed him, Snufkin cried out in short "oh's" and "ah's" (as one might sound while stepping on sharp stones). As charming as his little exclamations were, I tried to help him by calling him down to me so that the birds would leave him alone.
"They won't come near me!" I shouted and he was finally able to come back down. The birds flew away after seeing me, and Snufkin was safe on the ground.

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