9-11-16 Dictator Snake | Mandatory Gore

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-I was at grandmas house with the family, and we heard a commotion going on in the stream. We went outside to find my cousin Jessica being attacked by a white water snake that was biting her and would chase after anyone who'd try to help. The bridge was located over the open part of the stream where the cars could drive through in this dream. The closest that we could get to Jessica was on the bridge right above the water. Soon we found out that the snake was not trying to attack Jessica, it was only trying to herd her to stand in a certain part of the stream which was in the corner between the bridge and the bank. I was sitting on the bridge right next to Jessica trying to reach out my hand to her while the other people tried to lead the snake away by making it chase them. The farthest I got was in the water which is when the snake came back. I stood still in hopes of not antagonizing it in any way or appearing afraid. The snake then began to nudge me away from Jessica, over the bridge, and into the water on the other side. It nudged me all the way up onto the land a bit a ways from the water and then stopped and left me there while I sat on the ground confused. I gathered that the snake just wanted to display that it was in charge of the stream and controlled where we were to be. The only reason that it would bite was because that people were coming at it and weren't respecting what it wanted.

-Another dream: there was this certain project at school that was part of the curriculum that every student had to do. ("School" was at Darrenkamps for some reason). It was kind of like orations, where it was required, but it definitely was not about writing an essay. This "normal school assignment" involved cutting open your skin, creating some kind of stuffed animal or pillow, sewing it together and stuffing it with your insides. Of course I was resistant against it. I was very strong in voicing my opinion and that I could not do it, even though mommy and the teachers kept telling me that it was a part of my grade and I would get an F if I did not participate. I stated that I'd rather take an F over this cruel and disgusting assignment, and that I physically and emotionally could not handle it. I remember exaggerating in detail about how I would get a panic attack, and that I just could not do it and that it was wrong. I even said that it compared to some kind of Satanic ritual. They finally resentfully let me go and I waited in some kind of living room for everyone to be done. And when they were done, I was disgusted and horrified to see some of the students running into show me what they've made, covered in blood. I kept cringing and trying to keep them away from me, but their excitement blinded them.

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