4/19/18 The Stream | VR Desert

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I began at the little entrance to the small stream at the end of my neighborhood. There were a few people with me, but I don't remember who. I think one was my sister, and another was some kind of scientist. We were just hanging out in the stream, but there was some sort of adventure waiting for us downstream. Naturally, we decided to let the water sweep us away. The stream got wider and deeper and then led us into a whimsical part of the forest. There was a little dirt path that led to a palace in the woods. There were servants out on the stone tiled courtyard entrance to help us and give us a tour.
Somehow I got separated and found my way into a round tile room with a covered pool and plants along the glass walls surrounding the space. The water was swirling with rapids underneath and a part of the wooden cover slid open. A creature with a woman's voice peered out with glowing eyes and spoke to me. She wanted me to open a freestanding closet on the side of the room among the plants. I didn't trust her of course and climbed up to a tiny balcony with a mosaic door to unlatch. The doors opened to another set of doors with a different mosaic picture, and those opened to another. There were several sets of doors until they all opened to a crawl-way. The whole time the creature was trying to coax me into obeying her and getting angrier the more I didn't respond, but I didn't think it was my place.
I crawled through the tunnel that led outside over another more open pool. I saw a port down at the shore a while away. Then, like in skyrim, I wondered what would happen if I obeyed the woman. I decided to load my save where I entered the room again. The lady replayed, and I stayed to listen. But this time, she wanted me to get a key. She said someone at the docks would have one, so I went through the door instead of the balcony that opened to the outside pool. I walked down the path surrounded by a large yard until I came down to the port. People were working and I didn't want to bother them, but one guy started to walk up the path. I followed him until we got to the door and he tried using his key. Somehow I took it from him, and I went to the creature inside. I remember understanding that the lady was some sort of white wolf spirit who was trapped in that pool. If she didn't receive help, the water underneath would sweep her away, so she was always hanging on for her life. But I couldn't tell if she was good or evil.
The dream skipped ahead to this area with a lot of enemies we had to fight. I was with my group again as we maneuvered through the place that consisted of rivers, towers, paths, and a lot of enemies looking like dragons. I didn't want to hurt them, so I was trying to use my Skyrim spells like paralyze, but they were too powerful against it. I was separated again, surrounded by the creatures that contained lightning and blue electricity.
The next thing I know I'm in some sort of VR world. It was this desert level, with a big mountain wall and two dirt paths ramping up on either side. They led to two entrances of a long tunnel that wrapped around the inner side of the wall. The inside of the tunnel was about the size a locker, a very tight squeeze. The point of the game was to avoid this little rendered black person, looking like a figure on the men's bathroom sign. The only ways to go was up either of the ramps and through the tunnel to the other side. If the person saw you, he'd chase you and you'd have to lose him. The tunnel was pitch black, so it was a matter of continuing until you reached the other side. Apparently Markiplier was the one playing, but I was the character inside the game trying to avoid the man. I only heard his voice talking to me, suggesting where to go. I remember lying low at one of the tunnel entrances, watching the little guy look around. When he saw me though, he began his chase and I ran into the tunnel to come out on the other side. I looked across at the other ramp that he was still running up. When he saw me again, he didn't go through the tunnel, but down the ramp towards my ramp. I ran through the tunnel again.
It was this back and forth chase until something happened that apparently was never supposed to happen. We made eye contact, and the little guy became an enraged bloated head of anger. He could run faster now, but was clumsy. He somehow ended up clinging to the edge of a cliff (I guess one of the ramps just decided to crumble under his feet) and it was a matter of choice for me, whether to save him or let him fall. Markiplier asked what I wanted to do, to which I was like, "wait, I always wanted to do this." I went back through the tunnel and came towards him. His head was still enlarged and very angry, but I could see worry in his eyes. Because it was a game, where you could just start over and pick another route, I decided I wanted to play Lion King. So I grabbed his hands like Scar, said "long live the king," and pulled him off the cliff.
Apparently that was the wrong choice.
He suddenly transformed into this terrifying demon-possessed witch child that ran after me on all four legs. I sprinted through the tunnel and leaped off the ramp, only to turn around to find the girl right behind me in the air.
I was then back at the stream, as if my dream decided to start over. I was with a mom and her daughter who wanted a bag of pretzels. They were a dollar, so I managed to rustle up four quarters to buy one at a little stand. This was definitely from when my college was hosting a sort of fair, and they were selling different kinds of foods for one dollar and I literally payed with quarters. I got her her pretzels and that's all I remember.

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