1-23-17 Akuna Gribauldi

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It seemed like an anime show I was watching, but I was in it. It was me and a bunch of friends who had different hair colors and their own powers. We went to visit my oc Andréa Gribauldi, who was "Akuna," a studious teacher we had befriended. It was my 18th birthday, so we were celebrating in his study. He gave me a curious looking book covered in red. He said it was full of spells, but I should never use them. Only learn from them. As I was studying the exterior of the book, I found a name at the bottom right corner of the back cover. It was the only part not covered in red, and said Akuna (or Kahuna, it kept changing). This suddenly made him extremely frightened, as if he just made a terrible mistake. He shouted "demon blood" and the name was covered red, which set off a spell. The entire room began to flood. If it weren't for my green-haired friend who was able to teleport all of us at the last moment, we would've drowned. We dropped at the top of the stairs that led to his study. I was the first to run back down after the water receded. Gribauldi, or Akuna, was sitting lifeless against the wall with the book in his hands, and demon blood splattered on the wall behind him.
What on earth had he done to deserve this, I thought. But there was a ring of luminescent white on the wall beside him. A portal. I decided to go through, without my friends for some reason, and try to save him.
It seemed like a video game. There were different levels, which looked like floors of a huge mansion, each with their own puzzle and creature. One floor I remember in particular was about checkers. There were two man-sized salt shakers? who bickered a lot and were in charge of the human-sized checkers game. I had to set people who were assigned colors to the colored benches to get 5? in a row (which was more like tic-tac-to). If I cheated or got out of line in any way, one of the bosses would draw their sword and stab me! This made me very anxious, but the creatures seemed more friendly at times than threatening.
Eventually I was able to pass that floor. I can't remember the other floors, but near the end of my journey, I encountered the demon in charge. He looked like a small golden samurai statue that floated around. All of the floor bosses turned black and red, and began fighting each other or me if I got in the way. The demon said things like, I had no business with Akuna, I was a fool to try to help him, etc things that'd put me down.
It was hard, but I made it to the roof of the mansion, where I could look down over all the creatures outside. The demon somehow could not attack me there, so I started grabbing things to throw at him, trying to knock off his helmet.
Then things started getting weirder, where one of the creatures on the roof began singing which activated all of the creatures to return to their original state: toys and moving knick-knacks. The mansion was like a giant dollhouse.
The demon became a toy too, frozen in the air. The one that sang did not know what happened, so we were both very confused. It walked with me down the mansion, asking questions. One was, what is Akuna? I said it was a word for "teacher," and he was my good friend. I told her everything that happened, and she felt for me about trying to get him back.
I can't quite remember the ending, but I returned through the portal and I think took the book from Akuna's frozen hand. I wish I could remember what else happened, but I'm sure I brought him back and did something with the book.

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