8/3/17 Another Skyrim Dream

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Another Skyrim dream! I was battling a legendary dragon with my buds (my in-game dog Bran, Serana, and Derkeethus) and we were just about to K.O. it but it dodged my dragonrend shout and flew away. I kept my eye on it and followed to where it might land. I reached an edge of a cliff and it landed upon a neighboring cliff that was like an island. It was just a big table of rock with grass on top than jutted up from the ground below. It landed in front of a person that was tied up! I shot an arrow at the dragon, which was the final blow. Then I needed to figure out how to reach this captive. The island cliff seemed too far to jump across, so I thought my whirlwind sprint would be ideal. As I scrolled through my shouts, I saw a new one that was able to bend the air to your whim. I got the impression that you were able to walk across air, so I tested it out and it was not that. A purple whirlwind tornado came from my mouth and grabbed the captive. I used it to maneuver her over to my side of the cliff.
She was talking, but I don't know what she was saying. She then just casually hops back over to the island after I unbinded her.
It was a lot closer than I thought.
I followed her and she sat down at a big table that was there apparently. She was going to discuss plans with me after we shared dinner I guess? We all joined her at the table and she began to eat spaghetti. I stared at her for a bit until she gave me a look and I realized I was supposed to eat. I guess I was expecting to hear her tell us what she had to say first.
I began eating and then a random child appeared who was hungry and wanted some steak. We of course shared with him. I remember saying, "you can have my share of steak since I won't eat it." (I'm a vegetarian, irl and in-game).
Somehow the island became a local park and our table was beside a road. The child was waiting for his school bus, and I saw other children in school uniforms waiting in line by the road. It didn't seem like Skyrim anymore, hold the woman we met and my partners. We all watched the children get on the bus as it arrived.

I really liked the character that we saved. She was dark-skinned, with long black dreadlocks, and had an awesome low-ish voice. I wanted to have her as a follower as well, probably replacing Serana. When we were at the table, I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, but I was too embarrassed and it'd be awkward XD.

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