7/3/17 Sleep Paralysis

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I fell sick today at work and they sent me home. These are what happened after I fell asleep on the couch. This was sleep paralysis.
It started out as a harmless dream. I was in the Pokémon world, and watching the cliche where Ash and Lana were both looking for each other but kept going the wrong ways. And each location they went, the more lost from each other they'd get.
But then after that, I woke up. Or I thought I did. First, my eyes kept flickering as I was fighting off sleep. I was looking downward at the couch cushion and watched the material look sort of like bismuth lines, pixely and swarming in and out of place.
I then touched my eyes and felt something under my right eyelid. It felt like a cap or lens of some sort, squishy and bulbous. I started to freak out and try to put it back in place as if it was something that came off of my eye. Then I pulled my eyelid open and I could hear it drop onto the cushion. The sound was so real, like a harmless "pap" and I felt the small vibration from the leather cushion. I still couldn't see what it was though, because my eyes kept clamping shut. I tried to call for help, but my mouth wouldn't work. I tried to make moaning noises, anything to get someone's attention, but my throat would only breathe noiselessly.
I rolled off the couch, still trying to open my eyes, and then I woke up again on the couch. I could hear my alarm ringtone, which is bells of a bell tower. But then they started clashing and ringing all at once in a cacophonous noise very rapidly. I tried to move, but was paralyzed. Then I flickered my eyes open for a millisecond and saw someone standing on the other end of the room. It looked like Rebekah's (sister) friend, and I think she was there. There was another person too, who said "oh, looks like she's waking up," but I couldn't move or keep my eyes open. The more I was able to flicker them open, the more people I saw standing or sitting in the room. They began laughing every time I did that. It felt like the only way I could try to wake myself up. They just kept snickering and chuckling as I was paralyzed. I tried with all my effort to move or call out or something to make it stop.
When I finally woke up, I did actually reach to keep my eyelids open so I wouldn't fall asleep again. I moaned too, more for just being able to. I'm still tired, so I may just have to go back to sleep.

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