10-28-12 Fifth Child | Monster Horror Game

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I dreamt that my mom had a 5th child, and me, Sarah, and Rebekah were very upset because we knew that we couldn't pay for a bunch of baby stuff and we thought "why would she have another one if she couldn't even take care of the 4th one?"

I also dreamt that I, along with a few other people (not sure who but I think one was my childhood friend Nathan Le), were playing some kind of horror game where we each had a weapon (gun) and our setting was a store. We would look through isles and around corners, and then the monsters we were supposed to shoot started creeping behind us. I started shooting one, but I have terrible aim, and when I did get it, it wouldn't die so I ran away. They all started to corner me on a couch and everyone else was busy shooting other monsters. I started panicking and saying "shoot me! I don't want to play this game anymore!" But I couldn't quit, because the game felt real.
The monsters had a human form with human-like clothing, but the faces and limbs etc were all different. One reminded me of a blue catfish, but it had a long, Nigel Thornberry nose where the catfish whiskers grew.

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