8/9/23 Baleen Whale

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I camped with my uncle and aunt this summer, so I dreamt I was back at the beach with them. They were searching for a good place to set up their camper along the shore instead of in the campground. We came upon an inlet where there were some pointed rocks jutting out of the shallow water. My aunt decided to hitch the camper there, right on the rocks (apparently my subconscious brain doesn't know how campers work).
While they were setting it up, I walked along the beach for a bit, gazing out into the open sea. To my surprise, I spotted a giant baleen whale headed into the inlet. As she came close, her mouth opened wide to filter feed. I hurriedly got into the edge where the shallows dropped into deep water. The whale swam right past me, so close that I could reach out and pet her rubbery skin. She came to the point of the inlet and turned around to head back out to sea. I was in awe of the experience.
When I returned to the camper and told my aunt what happened, she asked if I got a video. Apparently I was so in awe that I forgot to take out my phone! But knowing now that this was a dream, I'm glad I didn't so that I could experience petting a whale naturally.

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