3-13-13 Ticket Difficulties

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Me, Sarah (sister), I think 1 other friend, and Rebekah (sister) were in some big city and were going to ride a train either home or somewhere else, and we thought the ride was free, but I saw that there was a place you had to check-in your ticket. Apparently, tickets were $1, but I didn't have any money and asked Sarah to pay for me. We all got our tickets and sat on the train (which had an open top and was more like a child's amusement park ride) and waited for Rebekah (she had to do something quick). As she was on her way, the train starting leaving, and we had to scan our tickets as we went by a person with a scanner. Mine was stuck in my pocket, and I missed the scanner, so the train stopped and Rebekah was able to catch up and get in. That is all I remember

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