12/30/17 A Mystical Date with Greninja

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I was in the world of Pokémon, and almost every trainer had their special partner Pokémon out all the time with them. I was walking in a big area, like some sort of amusement park or fair. I met a few different people. One was a young girl, about middle school age, with her Greninja (which is my favorite and my first starter). She was small with short reddish hair and really nice and friendly. There were two other people I met: one was another young lady, though much older than the girl, with her grandmother who both shared an Incineroar. All girls I met were wrapped up in their Pokémon's arms in a big hug from behind. In this world, the final evolutions were much bigger, and kind of thicker. They looked like the same style: that flat-colored, almost 3D smooth animation, just slightly more intense. They could talk as well, and also seemed really intimate, like nothing could ever separate trainer from Pokémon.
I connected more with the Greninja girl, and sometimes became her. There came a moment in the late evening where the girl was going to do something for her Greninja. It kind of seemed like a date, except that that would be bestiality, so it was more like her doing something really personal for her Greninja since Pokémon do so much for their trainers.
The girl dressed in a jellyfish-looking ensemble. Her hat was like the bell of the jellyfish, smooth, pale, and gelatinous, with a brownish/amber color. On the temporal sides hung 3 short, tannish/white feathery tendrils that whisked up along the sides of her head like locks of hair. Her body was draped in long flowing tendrils with bioluminescent beads of light that dripped down the strands, similar to my favorite jellyfish, a Venus comb. Her body was a pale, slightly glowing blue as if she wore a skin-tight leotard.
Apparently, this could be compared to someone dressing in customary regalia according to a specific culture, or in this case, the "Greninja culture." Doing this was sort of like a huge honor to the species, especially to her Greninja. (Around this next part is where I kind of saw from her perspective, so I'll be using first person now).
Greninja was waiting on a small island on a large lake. I was to go there by walking on the water. The air was misty and blue, and sort of glowed in the night. I ran across the surface barely making a sound while little fairies flew around me. They looked like the beads of light on my suit, and had the voices of quiet infants, saying things like keep going, almost there, and just small words and phrases of encouragement.
The island was lush with tropical green plants, and the center had a small pool of water like a mirror. The ambience of this whole sequence was tranquil. Greninja was waiting there, but unfortunately I don't remember anything after that.
Another less magical moment however, was that I was standing right in front of a stage where Primarina, my other favorite Pokémon, was to perform. It was day time, so this might have been before the Greninja date, and I was myself in the fair. When Primarina came out, she looked different than her original design. She was a lot bigger, and had two more pairs of flippers underneath her, reminding me of Samurrot. She performed like a slow-moving acrobat, doing flexibility tricks and standing on two flippers. It was both creepy and interesting.
I think this was right after, where someone's Diglett came up to play with me. He could talk, and sounded like a comedian. He even did impressions, one I specifically remember was Bugs Bunny. He just kept talking and making comments in humorous ways. Normally, Digletts are one of my least favorite Pokémon, but this one was pretty entertaining and rather likeable. I think his trainer, who was an older man, probably worked for the fair, brought his Diglett around just to entertain the guests. This is all I remember.

 This is all I remember

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