2-8-17 Prince Benjamin Bear the Room Decorator | Vienna Up the Stairs

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I've been having a lot of dreams lately that include my characters! In this dream, I was watching as Benjamin first takes Seed to the kingdom. When they arrive, Seed asks why everyone around them bowed to him. Not wanting to mention yet that he is the prince, he told her that he lived in the castle, pointing ahead. When Seed saw the castle, she was astounded by its magnificence. They walked inside to the ballroom, which was far bigger than I normally imagined. It had two separate areas, though still combined. The first was the dance floor and the second looked like an inside garden. It was laid with white marble tiles, had columns and plants and benches, and I think a dining table? It seemed to be an area more designed for milling about and conversing.
The king and queen were seated in their thrones against the wall to the left. Benjamin was hiding Seed behind him. When they saw him, they were relieved to see their son because apparently they weren't having a good day of receiving comments/complaints etc from the locals. Benjamin kind of became me, and he explained the design that I originally intended for the ballroom (albeit only for the large staircase).
The explanation was something like, "I'm thinking a giant staircase in the middle here from the balcony (there was a second floor balcony that wrapped around the interior of the room), but then your thrones wouldn't be centered. So what if we split the staircase in half, and each half be on either side of the room. Then your thrones could sit in the middle."
They liked the idea and would begin planning. Then he and Seed went up to his room, which now looked more like a normal second floor to a house with bedrooms and stuff. He had siblings? with their own bedrooms too.
I just really liked how my dream designed the ballroom. It was very bright and warm, with beautiful decor and ambiance.

There was a dream I barely remember from the night before that involved the theatre in The Ribbon Dancer where I was Vienna. The theatre was much grander, with two floors and a huge lobby with a giant staircase (again lol) that went up to the second floor from the lobby. I (Vienna) was walking up the stairs to get ready for the show and saw Gribauldi near the top. I trotted up to him and happily asked for his hand so we could walk up the rest of the stairs together. He bashfully obliged and we headed down the hall.

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