10/30/18 Cistern

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It seemed that I was in some kind of big underground cavern. There was a one-story hotel that was built on a large platform of stone attached to the side of the cave. The ceiling of the cavern was high and had a very large oculus carved at the top where light shone in. Directly under the oculus was an equally large cistern for collecting rainwater. It was lined with bricks and had a square drain on the floor.
I came out of the hotel onto the wooden porch and saw that it was pouring down rain into the cistern. The vent on the floor seemed slow to drain, as the water was filling up fast. I thought to myself that it was the perfect make-shift pool for me to swim in with my mermaid tail. I quickly got everything from my room for swimming and chose the most suitable tail for the location, which was galaxy-themed.
The rain began to die down, but I still was ready to swim. When I arrived there, apparently there were others that had the same idea. For some reason the cistern had stairs going in, as if it really was a pool. The water was starting to slowly drain, so it wasn't as full anymore, and there were several people standing in the water crowding up the place. I wished that I could've swam when it was still raining, but I was still determined to mermaid-swim.
So I got in an began gliding under the clear water, circling the space and dodging people. They enjoyed the show and liked how I was able to easily swerve around them. It was pretty fun after all, and I really want to swim again.

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